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Welcome to Plummer!


Welcome to the City of Plummer's official website.  


 The City of Plummer is now accepting online payments for utility services. We have partnered with Access Idaho to accept credit & debit card payments (VISA, Mastercard, American Express and Discover Card). 

There will be a 3% charge plus a $1.00 fee added to your credit or debit card bill if you choose to make your payment with a credit or debit card. These added charges will be paid directly to Access Idaho for their services and the City of Plummer will only receive your payment amount.

You can pay your bill online by clicking the "ONLINE PAYMENTS" link on the right side of this page.

The City of Plummer now has scheduled payments which will allow you to make a one-time or recurring payment using your credit/debit card or checking account. Just click on the "SCHEDULED PAYMENTS" link on the right side of this page.

Plummer is located in the western portion of Benewah County in Idaho's panhandle and is centrally located in the Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation.  Plummer is 35 miles south of Coeur d'Alene, 50 miles north of Moscow, 18 miles west of St. Maries, and only nine miles east of the Washington state line. 

Plummer's elevation is 2,722 feet above sea level.  Plummer enjoys relatively moderate weather.  The lowest average daily temperature is 21° F in January and the highest average daily temperature is 86° F in July.  The annual precipitation is 23.77 inches with an average annual snowfall of 8.2 inches.

Plummer's population was 1028 in the 2010 Census and is currently estimated at 1044.

City of Plummer After Hours Number   (208) 755-2573




Official site for the City of Plummer 

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