$u_n$ converges weakly to $u$ $Leftrightarrow$ $u_n$ is bounded and $langle x^*, u_n rangle to langle x^*, u rangle$Bounded Linear Transformation proofBounded sequence in a normed space converges weakly$int_0^Tint_Ωlangle(u_ncdotnabla)w,u_nrangle dxdttoint_0^Tint_Ωlangle(ucdotnabla)w,urangle dxdt$ if $u_nto u$ weakly and stronglyIf $u_n$ converges weakly to $u$. Does $|u_n|$ converges weakly to $|u|$?Proof Check: Let $X$ be a normed space. Then ball $X^*$ (closed unit ball of $X^*$) is weak-star metrizable if and only if $X$ is separable.$u_n$ is bounded in $L^1(omega)$ implies $u_n_k$ weakly convergente in $L^2(omega)$Proving that $Y= x_n in ell^2 : x_2n =0, n in mathbb N$ is closed and finding $Y^bot$.Why weak convergence and a.e. convergence imply the convergence of this integral?$u_n$ weakly converges to $u$ in $H_0^1(I)$, $u_n'$ converges pointwisely to $u'$$PQ ; textorthogonal projection ; Leftrightarrow PQ = QP$
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$u_n$ converges weakly to $u$ $Leftrightarrow$ $u_n$ is bounded and $langle x^*, u_n rangle to langle x^*, u rangle$
Bounded Linear Transformation proofBounded sequence in a normed space converges weakly$int_0^Tint_Ωlangle(u_ncdotnabla)w,u_nrangle dxdttoint_0^Tint_Ωlangle(ucdotnabla)w,urangle dxdt$ if $u_nto u$ weakly and stronglyIf $u_n$ converges weakly to $u$. Does $|u_n|$ converges weakly to $|u|$?Proof Check: Let $X$ be a normed space. Then ball $X^*$ (closed unit ball of $X^*$) is weak-star metrizable if and only if $X$ is separable.$u_n$ is bounded in $L^1(omega)$ implies $u_n_k$ weakly convergente in $L^2(omega)$Proving that $Y= x_n in ell^2 : x_2n =0, n in mathbb N$ is closed and finding $Y^bot$.Why weak convergence and a.e. convergence imply the convergence of this integral?$u_n$ weakly converges to $u$ in $H_0^1(I)$, $u_n'$ converges pointwisely to $u'$$PQ ; textorthogonal projection ; Leftrightarrow PQ = QP$
Proof Request : I am seeking for a proof of the following Lemma defining Weak Convergence. I am aware of a similar statement regarding Hilbert spaces but it seems to differ. I know that for the $(Rightarrow)$ way, the boundedness of $u_n_n geq 1$ can be proven via Banach-Steinhaus and Natural Embedding. I am struggling to grasp an intuition on proving the latter part of $(Rightarrow)$. Also, my search and intuition have both failed to find anything regarding the $(Leftarrow)$ way.
If there is not a reference for a proof, I'd really appreciate any elaboration or hints so I can work myself at proving it. Thanks in advance.
Lemma - Definition :
Let $X$ be a Banach space and $u_n_n geq 1 subseteq X$ be a sequence.
Show that $u_n$ converges weakly to $u in X$, namingly $u_n xrightarroww u$ if and only if $u_n_n geq 1 subseteq X$ is bounded and $langle x^*, u_n rangle to langle x^*, u rangle$ for all $x^* in D^* subseteq X^*$ dense.
general-topology functional-analysis weak-convergence weak-topology
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Proof Request : I am seeking for a proof of the following Lemma defining Weak Convergence. I am aware of a similar statement regarding Hilbert spaces but it seems to differ. I know that for the $(Rightarrow)$ way, the boundedness of $u_n_n geq 1$ can be proven via Banach-Steinhaus and Natural Embedding. I am struggling to grasp an intuition on proving the latter part of $(Rightarrow)$. Also, my search and intuition have both failed to find anything regarding the $(Leftarrow)$ way.
If there is not a reference for a proof, I'd really appreciate any elaboration or hints so I can work myself at proving it. Thanks in advance.
Lemma - Definition :
Let $X$ be a Banach space and $u_n_n geq 1 subseteq X$ be a sequence.
Show that $u_n$ converges weakly to $u in X$, namingly $u_n xrightarroww u$ if and only if $u_n_n geq 1 subseteq X$ is bounded and $langle x^*, u_n rangle to langle x^*, u rangle$ for all $x^* in D^* subseteq X^*$ dense.
general-topology functional-analysis weak-convergence weak-topology
$u_nxrightarroww u$ weakly means $f(u_n)xrightarrow f(u)$, which is the latter part of ($Rightarrow$)
– Nick
Mar 28 at 16:30
@Nick Hi Nick, thanks for your input. I know your comment holds for Hilbert spaces. Would you mind providing an elaboration on how thatworks for the latter part ? I seem too confused with the dual dense mentioned and the duality brackets (aka inner product-like functional).
– Rebellos
Mar 28 at 16:33
the notation $langle f,xrangle$ means $f(x)$. As far as I know, a sequence $u_nin X$, where $X$ is Banach, is said to be converge to $u$ weakly if $f(u_n)to f(u)$ for all linear functional $fin X^star$, which, is the same as saying $langle f,u_nrangletolangle f,urangle$
– Nick
Mar 28 at 16:39
add a comment |
Proof Request : I am seeking for a proof of the following Lemma defining Weak Convergence. I am aware of a similar statement regarding Hilbert spaces but it seems to differ. I know that for the $(Rightarrow)$ way, the boundedness of $u_n_n geq 1$ can be proven via Banach-Steinhaus and Natural Embedding. I am struggling to grasp an intuition on proving the latter part of $(Rightarrow)$. Also, my search and intuition have both failed to find anything regarding the $(Leftarrow)$ way.
If there is not a reference for a proof, I'd really appreciate any elaboration or hints so I can work myself at proving it. Thanks in advance.
Lemma - Definition :
Let $X$ be a Banach space and $u_n_n geq 1 subseteq X$ be a sequence.
Show that $u_n$ converges weakly to $u in X$, namingly $u_n xrightarroww u$ if and only if $u_n_n geq 1 subseteq X$ is bounded and $langle x^*, u_n rangle to langle x^*, u rangle$ for all $x^* in D^* subseteq X^*$ dense.
general-topology functional-analysis weak-convergence weak-topology
Proof Request : I am seeking for a proof of the following Lemma defining Weak Convergence. I am aware of a similar statement regarding Hilbert spaces but it seems to differ. I know that for the $(Rightarrow)$ way, the boundedness of $u_n_n geq 1$ can be proven via Banach-Steinhaus and Natural Embedding. I am struggling to grasp an intuition on proving the latter part of $(Rightarrow)$. Also, my search and intuition have both failed to find anything regarding the $(Leftarrow)$ way.
If there is not a reference for a proof, I'd really appreciate any elaboration or hints so I can work myself at proving it. Thanks in advance.
Lemma - Definition :
Let $X$ be a Banach space and $u_n_n geq 1 subseteq X$ be a sequence.
Show that $u_n$ converges weakly to $u in X$, namingly $u_n xrightarroww u$ if and only if $u_n_n geq 1 subseteq X$ is bounded and $langle x^*, u_n rangle to langle x^*, u rangle$ for all $x^* in D^* subseteq X^*$ dense.
general-topology functional-analysis weak-convergence weak-topology
general-topology functional-analysis weak-convergence weak-topology
asked Mar 28 at 16:19
$u_nxrightarroww u$ weakly means $f(u_n)xrightarrow f(u)$, which is the latter part of ($Rightarrow$)
– Nick
Mar 28 at 16:30
@Nick Hi Nick, thanks for your input. I know your comment holds for Hilbert spaces. Would you mind providing an elaboration on how thatworks for the latter part ? I seem too confused with the dual dense mentioned and the duality brackets (aka inner product-like functional).
– Rebellos
Mar 28 at 16:33
the notation $langle f,xrangle$ means $f(x)$. As far as I know, a sequence $u_nin X$, where $X$ is Banach, is said to be converge to $u$ weakly if $f(u_n)to f(u)$ for all linear functional $fin X^star$, which, is the same as saying $langle f,u_nrangletolangle f,urangle$
– Nick
Mar 28 at 16:39
add a comment |
$u_nxrightarroww u$ weakly means $f(u_n)xrightarrow f(u)$, which is the latter part of ($Rightarrow$)
– Nick
Mar 28 at 16:30
@Nick Hi Nick, thanks for your input. I know your comment holds for Hilbert spaces. Would you mind providing an elaboration on how thatworks for the latter part ? I seem too confused with the dual dense mentioned and the duality brackets (aka inner product-like functional).
– Rebellos
Mar 28 at 16:33
the notation $langle f,xrangle$ means $f(x)$. As far as I know, a sequence $u_nin X$, where $X$ is Banach, is said to be converge to $u$ weakly if $f(u_n)to f(u)$ for all linear functional $fin X^star$, which, is the same as saying $langle f,u_nrangletolangle f,urangle$
– Nick
Mar 28 at 16:39
$u_nxrightarroww u$ weakly means $f(u_n)xrightarrow f(u)$, which is the latter part of ($Rightarrow$)
– Nick
Mar 28 at 16:30
$u_nxrightarroww u$ weakly means $f(u_n)xrightarrow f(u)$, which is the latter part of ($Rightarrow$)
– Nick
Mar 28 at 16:30
@Nick Hi Nick, thanks for your input. I know your comment holds for Hilbert spaces. Would you mind providing an elaboration on how thatworks for the latter part ? I seem too confused with the dual dense mentioned and the duality brackets (aka inner product-like functional).
– Rebellos
Mar 28 at 16:33
@Nick Hi Nick, thanks for your input. I know your comment holds for Hilbert spaces. Would you mind providing an elaboration on how thatworks for the latter part ? I seem too confused with the dual dense mentioned and the duality brackets (aka inner product-like functional).
– Rebellos
Mar 28 at 16:33
the notation $langle f,xrangle$ means $f(x)$. As far as I know, a sequence $u_nin X$, where $X$ is Banach, is said to be converge to $u$ weakly if $f(u_n)to f(u)$ for all linear functional $fin X^star$, which, is the same as saying $langle f,u_nrangletolangle f,urangle$
– Nick
Mar 28 at 16:39
the notation $langle f,xrangle$ means $f(x)$. As far as I know, a sequence $u_nin X$, where $X$ is Banach, is said to be converge to $u$ weakly if $f(u_n)to f(u)$ for all linear functional $fin X^star$, which, is the same as saying $langle f,u_nrangletolangle f,urangle$
– Nick
Mar 28 at 16:39
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2 Answers
The latter half of the direction $implies$ is straightforward. The weak topology on $X$ is the coarsest topology such that all elements of $X^*$ are continuous. In particular, for $x^* in D^* subseteq X^*$, the map $u mapsto langle x^*, u rangle := x^*(u)$ is continuous for the weak topology which implies the desired convergence.
For the converse direction, pick $x^* in X^*$ and take a sequence $x_n^* in D^*$ such that $|x_n^* - x^*|_X^* to 0$. By assumption, $u_n$ is a bounded sequence and $langle x_n^*,u_k rangle to langle x_n^*, u rangle$ for each $n$.
We have
| langle x^*, u_k rangle - langle x^*, u rangle | leq& |langle x^* - x_n^*, u_k rangle| + | langle x_n^*, u - u_k rangle | + | langle x - x_n^*, u rangle |
\ leq & big( sup_k |u_k| + |u| big) |x^* - x_n^*| + |langle x_n^*, u - u_k rangle|
You should be able to conclude by fixing $varepsilon > 0$ and showing that you can pick $n$ and then $K$ such that for $k geq K$, the right hand side is less than $varepsilon$.
Okay, the correction now makes sense.
– Rebellos
Mar 28 at 21:40
There was just a typo, apologies.
– Rhys Steele
Mar 28 at 21:40
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Wlog $u=0$.
You have to show that $langle x^*,u_nrangleto0$ for all $x^*$, not just the one in $D^*$.
Since $D^*$ is dense, you can approximate $x^*$ by a sequence $x^*_m$ in $D^*$.
Now you know that $langle x^*_m,u_nrangleto0$ for $ntoinfty$.
So it would be natural to somehow combine this term with $langle x^*,u_nrangle$
to show that the latter converges to $0$.
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2 Answers
2 Answers
The latter half of the direction $implies$ is straightforward. The weak topology on $X$ is the coarsest topology such that all elements of $X^*$ are continuous. In particular, for $x^* in D^* subseteq X^*$, the map $u mapsto langle x^*, u rangle := x^*(u)$ is continuous for the weak topology which implies the desired convergence.
For the converse direction, pick $x^* in X^*$ and take a sequence $x_n^* in D^*$ such that $|x_n^* - x^*|_X^* to 0$. By assumption, $u_n$ is a bounded sequence and $langle x_n^*,u_k rangle to langle x_n^*, u rangle$ for each $n$.
We have
| langle x^*, u_k rangle - langle x^*, u rangle | leq& |langle x^* - x_n^*, u_k rangle| + | langle x_n^*, u - u_k rangle | + | langle x - x_n^*, u rangle |
\ leq & big( sup_k |u_k| + |u| big) |x^* - x_n^*| + |langle x_n^*, u - u_k rangle|
You should be able to conclude by fixing $varepsilon > 0$ and showing that you can pick $n$ and then $K$ such that for $k geq K$, the right hand side is less than $varepsilon$.
Okay, the correction now makes sense.
– Rebellos
Mar 28 at 21:40
There was just a typo, apologies.
– Rhys Steele
Mar 28 at 21:40
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The latter half of the direction $implies$ is straightforward. The weak topology on $X$ is the coarsest topology such that all elements of $X^*$ are continuous. In particular, for $x^* in D^* subseteq X^*$, the map $u mapsto langle x^*, u rangle := x^*(u)$ is continuous for the weak topology which implies the desired convergence.
For the converse direction, pick $x^* in X^*$ and take a sequence $x_n^* in D^*$ such that $|x_n^* - x^*|_X^* to 0$. By assumption, $u_n$ is a bounded sequence and $langle x_n^*,u_k rangle to langle x_n^*, u rangle$ for each $n$.
We have
| langle x^*, u_k rangle - langle x^*, u rangle | leq& |langle x^* - x_n^*, u_k rangle| + | langle x_n^*, u - u_k rangle | + | langle x - x_n^*, u rangle |
\ leq & big( sup_k |u_k| + |u| big) |x^* - x_n^*| + |langle x_n^*, u - u_k rangle|
You should be able to conclude by fixing $varepsilon > 0$ and showing that you can pick $n$ and then $K$ such that for $k geq K$, the right hand side is less than $varepsilon$.
Okay, the correction now makes sense.
– Rebellos
Mar 28 at 21:40
There was just a typo, apologies.
– Rhys Steele
Mar 28 at 21:40
add a comment |
The latter half of the direction $implies$ is straightforward. The weak topology on $X$ is the coarsest topology such that all elements of $X^*$ are continuous. In particular, for $x^* in D^* subseteq X^*$, the map $u mapsto langle x^*, u rangle := x^*(u)$ is continuous for the weak topology which implies the desired convergence.
For the converse direction, pick $x^* in X^*$ and take a sequence $x_n^* in D^*$ such that $|x_n^* - x^*|_X^* to 0$. By assumption, $u_n$ is a bounded sequence and $langle x_n^*,u_k rangle to langle x_n^*, u rangle$ for each $n$.
We have
| langle x^*, u_k rangle - langle x^*, u rangle | leq& |langle x^* - x_n^*, u_k rangle| + | langle x_n^*, u - u_k rangle | + | langle x - x_n^*, u rangle |
\ leq & big( sup_k |u_k| + |u| big) |x^* - x_n^*| + |langle x_n^*, u - u_k rangle|
You should be able to conclude by fixing $varepsilon > 0$ and showing that you can pick $n$ and then $K$ such that for $k geq K$, the right hand side is less than $varepsilon$.
The latter half of the direction $implies$ is straightforward. The weak topology on $X$ is the coarsest topology such that all elements of $X^*$ are continuous. In particular, for $x^* in D^* subseteq X^*$, the map $u mapsto langle x^*, u rangle := x^*(u)$ is continuous for the weak topology which implies the desired convergence.
For the converse direction, pick $x^* in X^*$ and take a sequence $x_n^* in D^*$ such that $|x_n^* - x^*|_X^* to 0$. By assumption, $u_n$ is a bounded sequence and $langle x_n^*,u_k rangle to langle x_n^*, u rangle$ for each $n$.
We have
| langle x^*, u_k rangle - langle x^*, u rangle | leq& |langle x^* - x_n^*, u_k rangle| + | langle x_n^*, u - u_k rangle | + | langle x - x_n^*, u rangle |
\ leq & big( sup_k |u_k| + |u| big) |x^* - x_n^*| + |langle x_n^*, u - u_k rangle|
You should be able to conclude by fixing $varepsilon > 0$ and showing that you can pick $n$ and then $K$ such that for $k geq K$, the right hand side is less than $varepsilon$.
edited Mar 28 at 21:40
answered Mar 28 at 16:42
Rhys SteeleRhys Steele
Okay, the correction now makes sense.
– Rebellos
Mar 28 at 21:40
There was just a typo, apologies.
– Rhys Steele
Mar 28 at 21:40
add a comment |
Okay, the correction now makes sense.
– Rebellos
Mar 28 at 21:40
There was just a typo, apologies.
– Rhys Steele
Mar 28 at 21:40
Okay, the correction now makes sense.
– Rebellos
Mar 28 at 21:40
Okay, the correction now makes sense.
– Rebellos
Mar 28 at 21:40
There was just a typo, apologies.
– Rhys Steele
Mar 28 at 21:40
There was just a typo, apologies.
– Rhys Steele
Mar 28 at 21:40
add a comment |
Wlog $u=0$.
You have to show that $langle x^*,u_nrangleto0$ for all $x^*$, not just the one in $D^*$.
Since $D^*$ is dense, you can approximate $x^*$ by a sequence $x^*_m$ in $D^*$.
Now you know that $langle x^*_m,u_nrangleto0$ for $ntoinfty$.
So it would be natural to somehow combine this term with $langle x^*,u_nrangle$
to show that the latter converges to $0$.
add a comment |
Wlog $u=0$.
You have to show that $langle x^*,u_nrangleto0$ for all $x^*$, not just the one in $D^*$.
Since $D^*$ is dense, you can approximate $x^*$ by a sequence $x^*_m$ in $D^*$.
Now you know that $langle x^*_m,u_nrangleto0$ for $ntoinfty$.
So it would be natural to somehow combine this term with $langle x^*,u_nrangle$
to show that the latter converges to $0$.
add a comment |
Wlog $u=0$.
You have to show that $langle x^*,u_nrangleto0$ for all $x^*$, not just the one in $D^*$.
Since $D^*$ is dense, you can approximate $x^*$ by a sequence $x^*_m$ in $D^*$.
Now you know that $langle x^*_m,u_nrangleto0$ for $ntoinfty$.
So it would be natural to somehow combine this term with $langle x^*,u_nrangle$
to show that the latter converges to $0$.
Wlog $u=0$.
You have to show that $langle x^*,u_nrangleto0$ for all $x^*$, not just the one in $D^*$.
Since $D^*$ is dense, you can approximate $x^*$ by a sequence $x^*_m$ in $D^*$.
Now you know that $langle x^*_m,u_nrangleto0$ for $ntoinfty$.
So it would be natural to somehow combine this term with $langle x^*,u_nrangle$
to show that the latter converges to $0$.
answered Mar 28 at 16:38

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$u_nxrightarroww u$ weakly means $f(u_n)xrightarrow f(u)$, which is the latter part of ($Rightarrow$)
– Nick
Mar 28 at 16:30
@Nick Hi Nick, thanks for your input. I know your comment holds for Hilbert spaces. Would you mind providing an elaboration on how thatworks for the latter part ? I seem too confused with the dual dense mentioned and the duality brackets (aka inner product-like functional).
– Rebellos
Mar 28 at 16:33
the notation $langle f,xrangle$ means $f(x)$. As far as I know, a sequence $u_nin X$, where $X$ is Banach, is said to be converge to $u$ weakly if $f(u_n)to f(u)$ for all linear functional $fin X^star$, which, is the same as saying $langle f,u_nrangletolangle f,urangle$
– Nick
Mar 28 at 16:39