Tir Maria Istori | Citys yn Tir Maria | Gwiasva | Rol lewyawww.maryland.gov
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SowsnekStatys Unys Amerikatrydhek trevesigethBreten VeurDomhwelans AmerikanGeorge Calvert, 1a Baron BaltimoreCharlys IVirjynni1632LatinCæcilius Calvert, 2a Baron Baltimore1632Henrietta MariaCharlys I[1]AlleganyAnne ArundelKonteth BaltimoreSita BaltimoreCalvertCarolineCarrollCecilCharlesDorchesterFrederickGarrettHarfordHowardKentMontgomeryPrince George'sQueen Anne'sSt. Mary'sSomersetTalbotWashingtonWicomicoWorcester
Tir Maria
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State of Maryland | |||||
| |||||
Lavar: Fatti Maschii Parole Femine (Manly Deeds, Womanly Words) | |||||
Leshanow: The Old Line State | |||||
![]() | |||||
Kenedhel | ![]() | ||||
Pennsita | Annapolis | ||||
Brassa sita | Baltimore | ||||
Governour | Larry Hogan (Republican) | ||||
Enep | 32,160 km² (42ns) | ||||
- Tir | 25,338 km² | ||||
- Dowr | 6,968 km² (21%) | ||||
Poblans (2000) | |||||
- Sommenn | 5,296,486 a drigoryon (19ves) | ||||
- Doesedh | 165 triger/km² (5es) | ||||
Dydhyans pan entras y'n Unyans | |||||
- Dydhyans | 28nsEbrel 1788 | ||||
- Reyth | 7ves | ||||
Senedhoryon an SU | |||||
- Henavek | Ben Cardin (Demokratek) | ||||
- Bacheler | Chris Van Hollen (Demokratek) | ||||
Berrheans an Post | MD | ||||
Hanow an drigoryon | Marylander | ||||
Amser | UTC -5/-4 | ||||
Kodenn kesroesweyth | .md.us | ||||
Tir Maria (yn Sowsnek, Maryland) yw stat yn Statys Unys Amerika.
Istori |
Tir Maria o onan a'n trydhek trevesigeth a sevis orth rewl Breten Veur y'n Domhwelans Amerikan.
George Calvert, 1a Baron Baltimore a hwilas chartour ryal a Charlys I, myghtern Breten Veur, rag an tir a dho ha bos Tir Maria, an pyth o kledhbarth Virjynni y'n eur na. George Calvert a verwis mis Ebryl 1632, mes chartour rag "Trevesigeth Tir Maria" (yn Latin, "Terra Maria") a veu grontys dh'y vab Cæcilius Calvert, 2a Baron Baltimore, dhe'n 20ens a vis Metheven, 1632. Yth henwis an drevesigeth nowydh yn enor Henrietta Maria, Myghternes Charlys I [1].
Restren:Map of maryland counties.JPG
Citys yn Tir Maria |
1 | Baltimore | 620,961 |
2 | Frederick | 65,239 |
3 | Rockville | 62,476 |
4 | Gaithersburg | 59,933 |
5 | Bowie | 54,727 |
6 | Annapolis | 38,394 |
Gwiasva |
- www.maryland.gov
- Pages with broken file links
- Stokkys yn kever an Statys Unys
- Statys an SUA
- Tir Maria
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