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Tir Maria Istori | Citys yn Tir Maria | Gwiasva | Rol

Pages with broken file linksStokkys yn kever an Statys UnysStatys an SUATir Maria

SowsnekStatys Unys Amerikatrydhek trevesigethBreten VeurDomhwelans AmerikanGeorge Calvert, 1a Baron BaltimoreCharlys IVirjynni1632LatinCæcilius Calvert, 2a Baron Baltimore1632Henrietta MariaCharlys I[1]AlleganyAnne ArundelKonteth BaltimoreSita BaltimoreCalvertCarolineCarrollCecilCharlesDorchesterFrederickGarrettHarfordHowardKentMontgomeryPrince George'sQueen Anne'sSt. Mary'sSomersetTalbotWashingtonWicomicoWorcester

Tir Maria

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State of Maryland

Baner Tir Maria

Sel Tir Maria

(Baner Tir Maria)

(Sel Tir Maria)

Lavar: Fatti Maschii Parole Femine
(Manly Deeds, Womanly Words)

Leshanow: The Old Line State

Map of USA highlighting Maryland.png


Flag of the United States.svg Statys Unys Amerika


Brassa sita
Larry Hogan (Republican)

32,160 km² (42ns)
 - Tir25,338 km²
 - Dowr6,968 km² (21%)

Poblans (2000)
 - Sommenn
5,296,486 a drigoryon (19ves)
 - Doesedh
165 triger/km² (5es)

Dydhyans pan entras y'n Unyans
 - Dydhyans28nsEbrel 1788
 - Reyth7ves

Senedhoryon an SU
 - Henavek

Ben Cardin (Demokratek)
 - Bacheler

Chris Van Hollen (Demokratek)
Berrheans an PostMD

Hanow an drigoryon

UTC -5/-4

Kodenn kesroesweyth

Tir Maria (yn Sowsnek, Maryland) yw stat yn Statys Unys Amerika.

Istori |

Tir Maria o onan a'n trydhek trevesigeth a sevis orth rewl Breten Veur y'n Domhwelans Amerikan.

George Calvert, 1a Baron Baltimore a hwilas chartour ryal a Charlys I, myghtern Breten Veur, rag an tir a dho ha bos Tir Maria, an pyth o kledhbarth Virjynni y'n eur na. George Calvert a verwis mis Ebryl 1632, mes chartour rag "Trevesigeth Tir Maria" (yn Latin, "Terra Maria") a veu grontys dh'y vab Cæcilius Calvert, 2a Baron Baltimore, dhe'n 20ens a vis Metheven, 1632. Yth henwis an drevesigeth nowydh yn enor Henrietta Maria, Myghternes Charlys I [1].

Restren:Map of maryland counties.JPG
Kontethow Tir Maria

Citys yn Tir Maria |


Gwiasva |


Dhyworth ""

Rol lewya

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