difference of two orthogonal projections is orthogonal projectionIf A is both orthogonal and a orthogonal projector. What can you then conlcude about A?If $P$ is the standard matrix an orthogonal projection, prove that so is $P^k$.Pseudoinverse and orthogonal projectionOrthogonal projection matrix proofFinding orthogonal projections onto $1$ (co)-dimensional subspaces of $mathbb R^n$Why are orthogonal projection matrices not … orthogonal?Orthogonal Projections- PropertiesPositive definite matrix for projectionShow that a symmetric and idempotent matrix $P$ is the projection matrix onto some subspace.Determine if a matrix is an orthogonal projection matrix
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difference of two orthogonal projections is orthogonal projection
If A is both orthogonal and a orthogonal projector. What can you then conlcude about A?If $P$ is the standard matrix an orthogonal projection, prove that so is $P^k$.Pseudoinverse and orthogonal projectionOrthogonal projection matrix proofFinding orthogonal projections onto $1$ (co)-dimensional subspaces of $mathbb R^n$Why are orthogonal projection matrices not … orthogonal?Orthogonal Projections- PropertiesPositive definite matrix for projectionShow that a symmetric and idempotent matrix $P$ is the projection matrix onto some subspace.Determine if a matrix is an orthogonal projection matrix
Premise: I have an $n × q$ matrix $X$ and a $q × a$ matrix $C$ with $n > q > a$.
I'm interested in the structure of the matrix
M = X X^+ - X_0 X_0^+
where the superscript $^+$ indicates the Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse and
X_0 = X (I_q - C C^+).
I assume that $X$ is of full column rank and therefore $X^+ = (X' X)^-1 X$ (where $'$ indicates the transpose).
Background: $X$ is the design matrix of a linear model, $C$ is a contrast, $X_0$ is a reduced design matrix, and $M$ occurs in the definition of standard test statistics.
$M$ is the difference of two orthogonal projection matrices, where the second projects into a subspace of the subspace the first projects into. This makes the difference an orthogonal projection matrix itself (symmetric and idempotent), which means it has a representation
M = X_Delta X_Delta^+.
Question: How do I obtain $X_Delta$?
user1551 has correctly pointed out in an answer that $X_Delta = M$ itself fulfills the equation. However, I'm looking for a "version" of $X$, meaning an $n times q$ matrix of rank $a$.
My approach: I am guessing that
X_Delta = X - X_0 X_0^+ X,
and this seems to be confirmed by numerical tests. But I am unable to come up with a proof, i.e. to show that
(X - X_0 X_0^+ X) (X - X_0 X_0^+ X)^+ = X X^+ - X_0 X_0^+.
The problem is how to deal with the pseudoinverse of a difference. One can write
X_Delta = (I_n - X_0 X_0^+) X,
and according to Wikipedia, in the pseudoinverse of a product where one factor is an orthogonal projection, the orthogonal projection can be redundantly multiplied to the opposite side, meaning here
X_Delta^+ = [(I_n - X_0 X_0^+) X]^+ = [(I_n - X_0 X_0^+) X]^+ (I_n - X_0 X_0^+) = X_Delta^+ (I_n - X_0 X_0^+),
but that doesn't seem to help.
I can prove that $M$ is symmetric and idempotent, using the relations
X X^+ X_0 = X_0
quad textand quad
X_0 X_0^+ X X^+ = X_0 X_0^+,
which derive from the definition of $X_0$ and the properties of the pseudoinverse. I can also show that
X X_0^+ = X_0 X_0^+
using the property of the pseudoinverse of a product involving an orthogonal projection (see above). But none of that helps either.
linear-algebra pseudoinverse projection-matrices
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Premise: I have an $n × q$ matrix $X$ and a $q × a$ matrix $C$ with $n > q > a$.
I'm interested in the structure of the matrix
M = X X^+ - X_0 X_0^+
where the superscript $^+$ indicates the Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse and
X_0 = X (I_q - C C^+).
I assume that $X$ is of full column rank and therefore $X^+ = (X' X)^-1 X$ (where $'$ indicates the transpose).
Background: $X$ is the design matrix of a linear model, $C$ is a contrast, $X_0$ is a reduced design matrix, and $M$ occurs in the definition of standard test statistics.
$M$ is the difference of two orthogonal projection matrices, where the second projects into a subspace of the subspace the first projects into. This makes the difference an orthogonal projection matrix itself (symmetric and idempotent), which means it has a representation
M = X_Delta X_Delta^+.
Question: How do I obtain $X_Delta$?
user1551 has correctly pointed out in an answer that $X_Delta = M$ itself fulfills the equation. However, I'm looking for a "version" of $X$, meaning an $n times q$ matrix of rank $a$.
My approach: I am guessing that
X_Delta = X - X_0 X_0^+ X,
and this seems to be confirmed by numerical tests. But I am unable to come up with a proof, i.e. to show that
(X - X_0 X_0^+ X) (X - X_0 X_0^+ X)^+ = X X^+ - X_0 X_0^+.
The problem is how to deal with the pseudoinverse of a difference. One can write
X_Delta = (I_n - X_0 X_0^+) X,
and according to Wikipedia, in the pseudoinverse of a product where one factor is an orthogonal projection, the orthogonal projection can be redundantly multiplied to the opposite side, meaning here
X_Delta^+ = [(I_n - X_0 X_0^+) X]^+ = [(I_n - X_0 X_0^+) X]^+ (I_n - X_0 X_0^+) = X_Delta^+ (I_n - X_0 X_0^+),
but that doesn't seem to help.
I can prove that $M$ is symmetric and idempotent, using the relations
X X^+ X_0 = X_0
quad textand quad
X_0 X_0^+ X X^+ = X_0 X_0^+,
which derive from the definition of $X_0$ and the properties of the pseudoinverse. I can also show that
X X_0^+ = X_0 X_0^+
using the property of the pseudoinverse of a product involving an orthogonal projection (see above). But none of that helps either.
linear-algebra pseudoinverse projection-matrices
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Premise: I have an $n × q$ matrix $X$ and a $q × a$ matrix $C$ with $n > q > a$.
I'm interested in the structure of the matrix
M = X X^+ - X_0 X_0^+
where the superscript $^+$ indicates the Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse and
X_0 = X (I_q - C C^+).
I assume that $X$ is of full column rank and therefore $X^+ = (X' X)^-1 X$ (where $'$ indicates the transpose).
Background: $X$ is the design matrix of a linear model, $C$ is a contrast, $X_0$ is a reduced design matrix, and $M$ occurs in the definition of standard test statistics.
$M$ is the difference of two orthogonal projection matrices, where the second projects into a subspace of the subspace the first projects into. This makes the difference an orthogonal projection matrix itself (symmetric and idempotent), which means it has a representation
M = X_Delta X_Delta^+.
Question: How do I obtain $X_Delta$?
user1551 has correctly pointed out in an answer that $X_Delta = M$ itself fulfills the equation. However, I'm looking for a "version" of $X$, meaning an $n times q$ matrix of rank $a$.
My approach: I am guessing that
X_Delta = X - X_0 X_0^+ X,
and this seems to be confirmed by numerical tests. But I am unable to come up with a proof, i.e. to show that
(X - X_0 X_0^+ X) (X - X_0 X_0^+ X)^+ = X X^+ - X_0 X_0^+.
The problem is how to deal with the pseudoinverse of a difference. One can write
X_Delta = (I_n - X_0 X_0^+) X,
and according to Wikipedia, in the pseudoinverse of a product where one factor is an orthogonal projection, the orthogonal projection can be redundantly multiplied to the opposite side, meaning here
X_Delta^+ = [(I_n - X_0 X_0^+) X]^+ = [(I_n - X_0 X_0^+) X]^+ (I_n - X_0 X_0^+) = X_Delta^+ (I_n - X_0 X_0^+),
but that doesn't seem to help.
I can prove that $M$ is symmetric and idempotent, using the relations
X X^+ X_0 = X_0
quad textand quad
X_0 X_0^+ X X^+ = X_0 X_0^+,
which derive from the definition of $X_0$ and the properties of the pseudoinverse. I can also show that
X X_0^+ = X_0 X_0^+
using the property of the pseudoinverse of a product involving an orthogonal projection (see above). But none of that helps either.
linear-algebra pseudoinverse projection-matrices
Premise: I have an $n × q$ matrix $X$ and a $q × a$ matrix $C$ with $n > q > a$.
I'm interested in the structure of the matrix
M = X X^+ - X_0 X_0^+
where the superscript $^+$ indicates the Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse and
X_0 = X (I_q - C C^+).
I assume that $X$ is of full column rank and therefore $X^+ = (X' X)^-1 X$ (where $'$ indicates the transpose).
Background: $X$ is the design matrix of a linear model, $C$ is a contrast, $X_0$ is a reduced design matrix, and $M$ occurs in the definition of standard test statistics.
$M$ is the difference of two orthogonal projection matrices, where the second projects into a subspace of the subspace the first projects into. This makes the difference an orthogonal projection matrix itself (symmetric and idempotent), which means it has a representation
M = X_Delta X_Delta^+.
Question: How do I obtain $X_Delta$?
user1551 has correctly pointed out in an answer that $X_Delta = M$ itself fulfills the equation. However, I'm looking for a "version" of $X$, meaning an $n times q$ matrix of rank $a$.
My approach: I am guessing that
X_Delta = X - X_0 X_0^+ X,
and this seems to be confirmed by numerical tests. But I am unable to come up with a proof, i.e. to show that
(X - X_0 X_0^+ X) (X - X_0 X_0^+ X)^+ = X X^+ - X_0 X_0^+.
The problem is how to deal with the pseudoinverse of a difference. One can write
X_Delta = (I_n - X_0 X_0^+) X,
and according to Wikipedia, in the pseudoinverse of a product where one factor is an orthogonal projection, the orthogonal projection can be redundantly multiplied to the opposite side, meaning here
X_Delta^+ = [(I_n - X_0 X_0^+) X]^+ = [(I_n - X_0 X_0^+) X]^+ (I_n - X_0 X_0^+) = X_Delta^+ (I_n - X_0 X_0^+),
but that doesn't seem to help.
I can prove that $M$ is symmetric and idempotent, using the relations
X X^+ X_0 = X_0
quad textand quad
X_0 X_0^+ X X^+ = X_0 X_0^+,
which derive from the definition of $X_0$ and the properties of the pseudoinverse. I can also show that
X X_0^+ = X_0 X_0^+
using the property of the pseudoinverse of a product involving an orthogonal projection (see above). But none of that helps either.
linear-algebra pseudoinverse projection-matrices
linear-algebra pseudoinverse projection-matrices
edited 2 days ago
A. Donda
asked Mar 29 at 21:27

A. DondaA. Donda
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1 Answer
With your choice of $X_Delta$, $M$ is indeed equal to $X_Delta X_Delta^+$.
Proof. Let $P=I-CC^+$. Note that the column space of $M=XX^+-(XP)(XP)^+$ is $operatornamecol(X)capoperatornamecol(XP)^perp$, while the column space of $X_Delta X_Delta^+$ is precisely the column space of $X_Delta=left[I-(XP)(XP)^+right]X$.
Since $X_Delta=Xleft[I-P(XP)^+Xright]$, $operatornamecol(X_Delta)subseteqoperatornamecol(X)$. Also, since
we also have $operatornamecol(X_Delta)subseteqoperatornamecol(XP)^perp$. Thus $operatornamecol(X_Delta)subseteqoperatornamecol(M)$.
We now show that the reverse inclusion is also true. Pick any $vinoperatornamecol(M)=operatornamecol(X)capoperatornamecol(XP)^perp$. Since $vinoperatornamecol(X)$, it can be written as $Xb$ for some vector $b$. Thus
X_Delta b=left[I-(XP)(XP)^+right]Xb=v-(XP)(XP)^+v.
However, we also have $vinoperatornamecol(XP)^perp$. Therefore $(XP)(XP)^+v=0$ and in turn $X_Delta b=v$, meaning that $vinoperatornamecol(X_Delta)$.
Thus $operatornamecol(X_Delta X_Delta^+)equivoperatornamecol(X_Delta)=operatornamecol(M)$. Hence $X_Delta X_Delta^+$ and $M$ must be equal, because they are orthogonal projections with identical column spaces.
Now it's clear. Thanks again!
– A. Donda
6 hours ago
@A.Donda You are welcome. Note that if you need to verify the relation numerically, you need to use SVD and set thresholds to cut off the small singular values, otherwise the verification will likely fail because the calculation of pseudoinverse is not numerically stable.
– user1551
6 hours ago
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1 Answer
With your choice of $X_Delta$, $M$ is indeed equal to $X_Delta X_Delta^+$.
Proof. Let $P=I-CC^+$. Note that the column space of $M=XX^+-(XP)(XP)^+$ is $operatornamecol(X)capoperatornamecol(XP)^perp$, while the column space of $X_Delta X_Delta^+$ is precisely the column space of $X_Delta=left[I-(XP)(XP)^+right]X$.
Since $X_Delta=Xleft[I-P(XP)^+Xright]$, $operatornamecol(X_Delta)subseteqoperatornamecol(X)$. Also, since
we also have $operatornamecol(X_Delta)subseteqoperatornamecol(XP)^perp$. Thus $operatornamecol(X_Delta)subseteqoperatornamecol(M)$.
We now show that the reverse inclusion is also true. Pick any $vinoperatornamecol(M)=operatornamecol(X)capoperatornamecol(XP)^perp$. Since $vinoperatornamecol(X)$, it can be written as $Xb$ for some vector $b$. Thus
X_Delta b=left[I-(XP)(XP)^+right]Xb=v-(XP)(XP)^+v.
However, we also have $vinoperatornamecol(XP)^perp$. Therefore $(XP)(XP)^+v=0$ and in turn $X_Delta b=v$, meaning that $vinoperatornamecol(X_Delta)$.
Thus $operatornamecol(X_Delta X_Delta^+)equivoperatornamecol(X_Delta)=operatornamecol(M)$. Hence $X_Delta X_Delta^+$ and $M$ must be equal, because they are orthogonal projections with identical column spaces.
Now it's clear. Thanks again!
– A. Donda
6 hours ago
@A.Donda You are welcome. Note that if you need to verify the relation numerically, you need to use SVD and set thresholds to cut off the small singular values, otherwise the verification will likely fail because the calculation of pseudoinverse is not numerically stable.
– user1551
6 hours ago
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With your choice of $X_Delta$, $M$ is indeed equal to $X_Delta X_Delta^+$.
Proof. Let $P=I-CC^+$. Note that the column space of $M=XX^+-(XP)(XP)^+$ is $operatornamecol(X)capoperatornamecol(XP)^perp$, while the column space of $X_Delta X_Delta^+$ is precisely the column space of $X_Delta=left[I-(XP)(XP)^+right]X$.
Since $X_Delta=Xleft[I-P(XP)^+Xright]$, $operatornamecol(X_Delta)subseteqoperatornamecol(X)$. Also, since
we also have $operatornamecol(X_Delta)subseteqoperatornamecol(XP)^perp$. Thus $operatornamecol(X_Delta)subseteqoperatornamecol(M)$.
We now show that the reverse inclusion is also true. Pick any $vinoperatornamecol(M)=operatornamecol(X)capoperatornamecol(XP)^perp$. Since $vinoperatornamecol(X)$, it can be written as $Xb$ for some vector $b$. Thus
X_Delta b=left[I-(XP)(XP)^+right]Xb=v-(XP)(XP)^+v.
However, we also have $vinoperatornamecol(XP)^perp$. Therefore $(XP)(XP)^+v=0$ and in turn $X_Delta b=v$, meaning that $vinoperatornamecol(X_Delta)$.
Thus $operatornamecol(X_Delta X_Delta^+)equivoperatornamecol(X_Delta)=operatornamecol(M)$. Hence $X_Delta X_Delta^+$ and $M$ must be equal, because they are orthogonal projections with identical column spaces.
Now it's clear. Thanks again!
– A. Donda
6 hours ago
@A.Donda You are welcome. Note that if you need to verify the relation numerically, you need to use SVD and set thresholds to cut off the small singular values, otherwise the verification will likely fail because the calculation of pseudoinverse is not numerically stable.
– user1551
6 hours ago
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With your choice of $X_Delta$, $M$ is indeed equal to $X_Delta X_Delta^+$.
Proof. Let $P=I-CC^+$. Note that the column space of $M=XX^+-(XP)(XP)^+$ is $operatornamecol(X)capoperatornamecol(XP)^perp$, while the column space of $X_Delta X_Delta^+$ is precisely the column space of $X_Delta=left[I-(XP)(XP)^+right]X$.
Since $X_Delta=Xleft[I-P(XP)^+Xright]$, $operatornamecol(X_Delta)subseteqoperatornamecol(X)$. Also, since
we also have $operatornamecol(X_Delta)subseteqoperatornamecol(XP)^perp$. Thus $operatornamecol(X_Delta)subseteqoperatornamecol(M)$.
We now show that the reverse inclusion is also true. Pick any $vinoperatornamecol(M)=operatornamecol(X)capoperatornamecol(XP)^perp$. Since $vinoperatornamecol(X)$, it can be written as $Xb$ for some vector $b$. Thus
X_Delta b=left[I-(XP)(XP)^+right]Xb=v-(XP)(XP)^+v.
However, we also have $vinoperatornamecol(XP)^perp$. Therefore $(XP)(XP)^+v=0$ and in turn $X_Delta b=v$, meaning that $vinoperatornamecol(X_Delta)$.
Thus $operatornamecol(X_Delta X_Delta^+)equivoperatornamecol(X_Delta)=operatornamecol(M)$. Hence $X_Delta X_Delta^+$ and $M$ must be equal, because they are orthogonal projections with identical column spaces.
With your choice of $X_Delta$, $M$ is indeed equal to $X_Delta X_Delta^+$.
Proof. Let $P=I-CC^+$. Note that the column space of $M=XX^+-(XP)(XP)^+$ is $operatornamecol(X)capoperatornamecol(XP)^perp$, while the column space of $X_Delta X_Delta^+$ is precisely the column space of $X_Delta=left[I-(XP)(XP)^+right]X$.
Since $X_Delta=Xleft[I-P(XP)^+Xright]$, $operatornamecol(X_Delta)subseteqoperatornamecol(X)$. Also, since
we also have $operatornamecol(X_Delta)subseteqoperatornamecol(XP)^perp$. Thus $operatornamecol(X_Delta)subseteqoperatornamecol(M)$.
We now show that the reverse inclusion is also true. Pick any $vinoperatornamecol(M)=operatornamecol(X)capoperatornamecol(XP)^perp$. Since $vinoperatornamecol(X)$, it can be written as $Xb$ for some vector $b$. Thus
X_Delta b=left[I-(XP)(XP)^+right]Xb=v-(XP)(XP)^+v.
However, we also have $vinoperatornamecol(XP)^perp$. Therefore $(XP)(XP)^+v=0$ and in turn $X_Delta b=v$, meaning that $vinoperatornamecol(X_Delta)$.
Thus $operatornamecol(X_Delta X_Delta^+)equivoperatornamecol(X_Delta)=operatornamecol(M)$. Hence $X_Delta X_Delta^+$ and $M$ must be equal, because they are orthogonal projections with identical column spaces.
edited 6 hours ago
answered 2 days ago

Now it's clear. Thanks again!
– A. Donda
6 hours ago
@A.Donda You are welcome. Note that if you need to verify the relation numerically, you need to use SVD and set thresholds to cut off the small singular values, otherwise the verification will likely fail because the calculation of pseudoinverse is not numerically stable.
– user1551
6 hours ago
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Now it's clear. Thanks again!
– A. Donda
6 hours ago
@A.Donda You are welcome. Note that if you need to verify the relation numerically, you need to use SVD and set thresholds to cut off the small singular values, otherwise the verification will likely fail because the calculation of pseudoinverse is not numerically stable.
– user1551
6 hours ago
Now it's clear. Thanks again!
– A. Donda
6 hours ago
Now it's clear. Thanks again!
– A. Donda
6 hours ago
@A.Donda You are welcome. Note that if you need to verify the relation numerically, you need to use SVD and set thresholds to cut off the small singular values, otherwise the verification will likely fail because the calculation of pseudoinverse is not numerically stable.
– user1551
6 hours ago
@A.Donda You are welcome. Note that if you need to verify the relation numerically, you need to use SVD and set thresholds to cut off the small singular values, otherwise the verification will likely fail because the calculation of pseudoinverse is not numerically stable.
– user1551
6 hours ago
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