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Tarayyar AmurkaAnnapolisLarry Hogan

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Deep Creek Lake Maryland Panoramic View.jpg

Jihohi a Tarayyar Amurika
bangare na
contiguous United States, South Atlantic states, Mid-Atlantic Gyara
28 ga Afirilu, 1788 Gyara
native label
State of Maryland Gyara
Old Line State Gyara
short name
MD, Md. Gyara
named after
Henrietta Maria of France Gyara
Marylander, Marilandano Gyara
yaren hukuma
no value Gyara
motto text
Fatti maschii, parole femine Gyara
Amirka ta Arewa Gyara
Tarayyar Amurka Gyara
babban birni
Annapolis Gyara
located in the administrative territorial entity
Tarayyar Amurka Gyara
located in or next to body of water
Chesapeake Bay, Potomac River, Susquehanna River, Patuxent River, Anacostia River Gyara
coordinate location
39°0′0″N 76°42′0″W Gyara
coordinates of geographic center
39°3′18″N 76°47′27″W Gyara
coordinates of northernmost point
39°43′23″N 78°43′33″W Gyara
coordinates of southernmost point
37°54′44″N 75°53′1″W Gyara
geoshape Gyara
highest point
Hoye-Crest Gyara
lowest point
Atlantic Ocean Gyara
office held by head of government
Governor of Maryland Gyara
shugaban gwamnati
Larry Hogan Gyara
majalisar zartarwa
Government of Maryland Gyara
legislative body
Maryland General Assembly Gyara
highest judicial authority
Maryland Court of Appeals Gyara
wanda yake bi
Province of Maryland Gyara
located in time zone
Eastern Time Zone, America/New_York, UTC−05:00, UTC−04:00 Gyara
twinned administrative body
Kanagawa Prefecture Gyara
owner of
Robert C. Murphy Courts of Appeal Building Gyara
sun raba iyaka da
Delaware, District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania Gyara
foundational text
Constitution of Maryland Gyara
IPA transcription
ˈmɛrələnd Gyara
official website Gyara
flag of Maryland Gyara
seal description
Great Seal of the State of Maryland Gyara
official symbol
Baltimore Oriole Gyara
local dialing code
301, 410, 240, 443, 667 Gyara
geography of topic
geography of Maryland Gyara
tarihin maudu'i
history of Maryland Gyara
Dewey Decimal Classification
975.2 Gyara
Wolfram Language entity code
Entity["AdministrativeDivision", "Maryland", "UnitedStates"] Gyara

Maryland jiha ne daga jihohin ƙasar Tarayyar Amurka, a Arewa maso Gabashin ƙasar. Jihar Tarayyar Amurka ne daga shekara ta 1788.

Babban birnin jihar Maryland, Annapolis ne. Jihar Maryland yana da yawan fili kimanin kilomita murabba’i 32,133, da yawan jama'a 6,042,718.

Gwamnan jihar Maryland Larry Hogan ne, daga zaben gwamnan a shekara ta 2014.

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