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Ampere Chham-khó | Gōa-pō͘ liân-kiat | Sûn-lám me-niúSI brochureSI brochureBase unit definitions: AmpereThe NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and UncertaintyNIST Definition of ampere and μ0Tutorial video explaining amperes and currentpian

SI ki-pún tan-ūiTiān-liû ê tan-ūi

Kok-chè Tan-ūi Hē-thóngtiān-liûki-pún tan-ūiAndré-Marie Ampèrekó͘-tián tiān-chû-ha̍k


Wikipedia (chū-iû ê pek-kho-choân-su) beh kā lí kóng...


Tan-ūi chu-sìn
Tan-ūi hē-thóng
SI ki-pún tan-ūi
André-Marie Ampère

Ampere (hû-hō: A)[1] sī Kok-chè Tan-ūi Hē-thóng (SI) lāi tiān-liû ê ki-pún tan-ūi.[2][3] Chit-ê tan-ūi ê hō-miâ sī beh kì-liām Hoat-kok bu̍t-lí-ha̍k-chiá André-Marie Ampère (1775–1836) tī kó͘-tián tiān-chû-ha̍k léng-he̍k ê sêng-chiū.

Chham-khó |

  1. "2. SI base units", SI brochure (8th pán.), BIPM, 19 November 2011 khòaⁿ--ê 

  2. "2.1. Unit of electric current (ampere)", SI brochure (8th pán.), BIPM, 19 November 2011 khòaⁿ--ê 

  3. Base unit definitions: Ampere. Retrieved on 2010-09-28.

Gōa-pō͘ liân-kiat |

  • The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty

  • NIST Definition of ampere and μ0

  • Tutorial video explaining amperes and current

Lâi-goân: ""

Sûn-lám me-niú

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