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Category:Kerk, Jannum Media in category "Kerk, Jannum"Navigation menu53° 18′ 45.56″ N, 5° 54′ 09.81″ EOpenStreetMapGoogle EarthProximityramaUpload media53° 18′ 46.01″ N, 5° 54′ 10.01″ EOpenStreetMapGoogle EarthProximityramaRijksmonument ID: 11688Europeana ID: 2020718/DR_11688ReasonatorScholiaStatisticsWikiShootMe11688

Buildings in JannumChurches in Noardeast-FryslânRijksmonumenten in JannumRomanogothic churches in the Netherlands1300s churches

Category:Kerk, Jannum

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Object location
53° 18′ 45.56″ N, 5° 54′ 09.81″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.
View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap - Google Earth - Proximityrama

info 53.312655; 5.902726

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Kerk van Jannum.jpg

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Instance of church building
Jannum, Ferwerderadiel, Friesland, Netherlands
Located at street address
  • Tsjerkestrjitte
  • 9107GH

Heritage designation

  • Rijksmonument (18 March 1970)

53° 18′ 46.01″ N, 5° 54′ 10.01″ E

  • OpenStreetMap

  • Google Earth

  • Proximityrama

Authority control

Wikidata Q2501861
Rijksmonument ID: 11688
Europeana ID: 2020718/DR_11688

  • Reasonator

  • Scholia

  • Statistics

  • WikiShootMe

Blue pencil.svg
kerk van Janum (nl); Tsjerke fan Jannum (fy) كنيسة في هولندا (ar); église néerlandaise (fr); Rijksmonument op Kerkstraat 4 (nl) rijksmonumentnummer 11688 (nl)

Nederlands: Ned. Hervormde kerk, Jannum - anno 12e eeuw - sinds 1947 kerkmuseum

Monumentenbordje 2014.svg
This is a category about rijksmonument number


Tsjerkestrjitte 4

Media in category "Kerk, Jannum"

The following 62 files are in this category, out of 62 total.

Retrieved from ",_Jannum&oldid=333191509"

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