Any isometry in $mathcalL(G)$ must be a unitary Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Planned maintenance scheduled April 17/18, 2019 at 00:00UTC (8:00pm US/Eastern)Some operators on $ell^2$ of a discrete group: are they a von Neumann algebra?Reduced $C^*$-algebra of a direct product of locally compact groupsCompact operators on $L^2(G)$ as a reduced cross product of $C_0(G)$ and $G$.Proving linearity of an operator using boundedness.Show that there is an operator $T$ in $mathcalB(mathcalH)$If $(mathcal D(A),A)$ is a linear operator, then $mathcal D(A)subseteqmathcal D(A^1/2)$Inner product of hermitian conjugate identity in QMIdenitfying $PmathbbB(l^2(Gamma))P$ with the matrix algebra $M_F(mathbbC)$The reduced crossed product $Artimes_alpha,rGamma$ doesn't depend on the choice of the faithful representationDoes the set of characters, $Omega(mathcalA)$, over a C$^ast$-algebra, $mathcalA$, generate a weakly dense subspace of $mathcalA'$?

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Any isometry in $mathcalL(G)$ must be a unitary

Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara
Planned maintenance scheduled April 17/18, 2019 at 00:00UTC (8:00pm US/Eastern)Some operators on $ell^2$ of a discrete group: are they a von Neumann algebra?Reduced $C^*$-algebra of a direct product of locally compact groupsCompact operators on $L^2(G)$ as a reduced cross product of $C_0(G)$ and $G$.Proving linearity of an operator using boundedness.Show that there is an operator $T$ in $mathcalB(mathcalH)$If $(mathcal D(A),A)$ is a linear operator, then $mathcal D(A)subseteqmathcal D(A^1/2)$Inner product of hermitian conjugate identity in QMIdenitfying $PmathbbB(l^2(Gamma))P$ with the matrix algebra $M_F(mathbbC)$The reduced crossed product $Artimes_alpha,rGamma$ doesn't depend on the choice of the faithful representationDoes the set of characters, $Omega(mathcalA)$, over a C$^ast$-algebra, $mathcalA$, generate a weakly dense subspace of $mathcalA'$?



Let $G$ be a countable group with neutral element $e$. Consider the Hilbert space $$ell^2(G):=left x(t)$$ with inner product $left langle x,y right rangle=sum_tin Gx(t)overliney(t)$ for $x,yin ell^2(G)$. For each $tin G$, let $delta_tin ell^2(G)$ be defined by $delta_t(t)=1$ and $delta_t(s)=0$ if $sneq t$. The set $(delta_t)_tin G$ is an orthonormal basis for $ell^2(G)$, and $x(t)=left langle x,delta_t right rangle$ for $xin ell^2(G)$ and $tin G$.

For each $tin G$, consider the operator $U_t$ on $ell^2(G)$ given by $(U_tx)(s)=x(t^-1s)$ for $xin ell^2(G)$ and $sin G$.

Put $mathcalL(G)= U_tmid tin G''$. Consider the state $tau$ on $mathcalL(G)$ defined by $tau(T)=left langle Tdelta_e,delta_e right rangle$ for $Tin mathcalL(G)$.


1) Show that $tau(ST)=tau(TS)$ for all for all $S,Tin mathcalL(G)$.

3) Show that any isometry in $mathcalL(G)$ must be a unitary

My answers:

1) I am not sure about this part. If $S,Tin mathcalL(G)$, then we can write $S=sum_sin Galpha_sU_s$ and $T=sum_tin Gbeta_tU_t$. Can I write the multiplication
ST=sum_(s,t)in Stimes Tgamma_s,tU_sU_t

where $gamma_s,t$'s are complex numbers in terms of $alpha$ and $beta$? If not, how would you write it mathematically? Assume that this is true. I have shown that $U_sU_t=U_st$ and $U_tdelta_s=delta_ts$. Then we have
tau(ST)=sum_(s,t)in Stimes Tgamma_s,ttau(U_st)=sum_(s,t)in Stimes Tgamma_s,tleft langle U_stdelta_e,delta_e right rangle=sum_(s,t)in Stimes Tgamma_s,tleft langle delta_st,delta_e right rangle=sum_(s,t)in Stimes Tgamma_s,t delta_st(e)=sum_(s,t)in Stimes Tgamma_s,t delta_ts(e)=dots=tau(TS)

Is this correct?

I am not sure about the last problem. Could you help me with it? The problem 2) was as follows: Show that $tau(T^* T)=0$ implies $T=0$ for all $Tin mathcalL(G)$. I have solved this one. Just informing it if it is relevant for the last problem.

Is some informations are missing, please let me know.

share|cite|improve this question




    Let $G$ be a countable group with neutral element $e$. Consider the Hilbert space $$ell^2(G):=left x(t)$$ with inner product $left langle x,y right rangle=sum_tin Gx(t)overliney(t)$ for $x,yin ell^2(G)$. For each $tin G$, let $delta_tin ell^2(G)$ be defined by $delta_t(t)=1$ and $delta_t(s)=0$ if $sneq t$. The set $(delta_t)_tin G$ is an orthonormal basis for $ell^2(G)$, and $x(t)=left langle x,delta_t right rangle$ for $xin ell^2(G)$ and $tin G$.

    For each $tin G$, consider the operator $U_t$ on $ell^2(G)$ given by $(U_tx)(s)=x(t^-1s)$ for $xin ell^2(G)$ and $sin G$.

    Put $mathcalL(G)= U_tmid tin G''$. Consider the state $tau$ on $mathcalL(G)$ defined by $tau(T)=left langle Tdelta_e,delta_e right rangle$ for $Tin mathcalL(G)$.


    1) Show that $tau(ST)=tau(TS)$ for all for all $S,Tin mathcalL(G)$.

    3) Show that any isometry in $mathcalL(G)$ must be a unitary

    My answers:

    1) I am not sure about this part. If $S,Tin mathcalL(G)$, then we can write $S=sum_sin Galpha_sU_s$ and $T=sum_tin Gbeta_tU_t$. Can I write the multiplication
    ST=sum_(s,t)in Stimes Tgamma_s,tU_sU_t

    where $gamma_s,t$'s are complex numbers in terms of $alpha$ and $beta$? If not, how would you write it mathematically? Assume that this is true. I have shown that $U_sU_t=U_st$ and $U_tdelta_s=delta_ts$. Then we have
    tau(ST)=sum_(s,t)in Stimes Tgamma_s,ttau(U_st)=sum_(s,t)in Stimes Tgamma_s,tleft langle U_stdelta_e,delta_e right rangle=sum_(s,t)in Stimes Tgamma_s,tleft langle delta_st,delta_e right rangle=sum_(s,t)in Stimes Tgamma_s,t delta_st(e)=sum_(s,t)in Stimes Tgamma_s,t delta_ts(e)=dots=tau(TS)

    Is this correct?

    I am not sure about the last problem. Could you help me with it? The problem 2) was as follows: Show that $tau(T^* T)=0$ implies $T=0$ for all $Tin mathcalL(G)$. I have solved this one. Just informing it if it is relevant for the last problem.

    Is some informations are missing, please let me know.

    share|cite|improve this question






      Let $G$ be a countable group with neutral element $e$. Consider the Hilbert space $$ell^2(G):=left x(t)$$ with inner product $left langle x,y right rangle=sum_tin Gx(t)overliney(t)$ for $x,yin ell^2(G)$. For each $tin G$, let $delta_tin ell^2(G)$ be defined by $delta_t(t)=1$ and $delta_t(s)=0$ if $sneq t$. The set $(delta_t)_tin G$ is an orthonormal basis for $ell^2(G)$, and $x(t)=left langle x,delta_t right rangle$ for $xin ell^2(G)$ and $tin G$.

      For each $tin G$, consider the operator $U_t$ on $ell^2(G)$ given by $(U_tx)(s)=x(t^-1s)$ for $xin ell^2(G)$ and $sin G$.

      Put $mathcalL(G)= U_tmid tin G''$. Consider the state $tau$ on $mathcalL(G)$ defined by $tau(T)=left langle Tdelta_e,delta_e right rangle$ for $Tin mathcalL(G)$.


      1) Show that $tau(ST)=tau(TS)$ for all for all $S,Tin mathcalL(G)$.

      3) Show that any isometry in $mathcalL(G)$ must be a unitary

      My answers:

      1) I am not sure about this part. If $S,Tin mathcalL(G)$, then we can write $S=sum_sin Galpha_sU_s$ and $T=sum_tin Gbeta_tU_t$. Can I write the multiplication
      ST=sum_(s,t)in Stimes Tgamma_s,tU_sU_t

      where $gamma_s,t$'s are complex numbers in terms of $alpha$ and $beta$? If not, how would you write it mathematically? Assume that this is true. I have shown that $U_sU_t=U_st$ and $U_tdelta_s=delta_ts$. Then we have
      tau(ST)=sum_(s,t)in Stimes Tgamma_s,ttau(U_st)=sum_(s,t)in Stimes Tgamma_s,tleft langle U_stdelta_e,delta_e right rangle=sum_(s,t)in Stimes Tgamma_s,tleft langle delta_st,delta_e right rangle=sum_(s,t)in Stimes Tgamma_s,t delta_st(e)=sum_(s,t)in Stimes Tgamma_s,t delta_ts(e)=dots=tau(TS)

      Is this correct?

      I am not sure about the last problem. Could you help me with it? The problem 2) was as follows: Show that $tau(T^* T)=0$ implies $T=0$ for all $Tin mathcalL(G)$. I have solved this one. Just informing it if it is relevant for the last problem.

      Is some informations are missing, please let me know.

      share|cite|improve this question


      Let $G$ be a countable group with neutral element $e$. Consider the Hilbert space $$ell^2(G):=left x(t)$$ with inner product $left langle x,y right rangle=sum_tin Gx(t)overliney(t)$ for $x,yin ell^2(G)$. For each $tin G$, let $delta_tin ell^2(G)$ be defined by $delta_t(t)=1$ and $delta_t(s)=0$ if $sneq t$. The set $(delta_t)_tin G$ is an orthonormal basis for $ell^2(G)$, and $x(t)=left langle x,delta_t right rangle$ for $xin ell^2(G)$ and $tin G$.

      For each $tin G$, consider the operator $U_t$ on $ell^2(G)$ given by $(U_tx)(s)=x(t^-1s)$ for $xin ell^2(G)$ and $sin G$.

      Put $mathcalL(G)= U_tmid tin G''$. Consider the state $tau$ on $mathcalL(G)$ defined by $tau(T)=left langle Tdelta_e,delta_e right rangle$ for $Tin mathcalL(G)$.


      1) Show that $tau(ST)=tau(TS)$ for all for all $S,Tin mathcalL(G)$.

      3) Show that any isometry in $mathcalL(G)$ must be a unitary

      My answers:

      1) I am not sure about this part. If $S,Tin mathcalL(G)$, then we can write $S=sum_sin Galpha_sU_s$ and $T=sum_tin Gbeta_tU_t$. Can I write the multiplication
      ST=sum_(s,t)in Stimes Tgamma_s,tU_sU_t

      where $gamma_s,t$'s are complex numbers in terms of $alpha$ and $beta$? If not, how would you write it mathematically? Assume that this is true. I have shown that $U_sU_t=U_st$ and $U_tdelta_s=delta_ts$. Then we have
      tau(ST)=sum_(s,t)in Stimes Tgamma_s,ttau(U_st)=sum_(s,t)in Stimes Tgamma_s,tleft langle U_stdelta_e,delta_e right rangle=sum_(s,t)in Stimes Tgamma_s,tleft langle delta_st,delta_e right rangle=sum_(s,t)in Stimes Tgamma_s,t delta_st(e)=sum_(s,t)in Stimes Tgamma_s,t delta_ts(e)=dots=tau(TS)

      Is this correct?

      I am not sure about the last problem. Could you help me with it? The problem 2) was as follows: Show that $tau(T^* T)=0$ implies $T=0$ for all $Tin mathcalL(G)$. I have solved this one. Just informing it if it is relevant for the last problem.

      Is some informations are missing, please let me know.

      functional-analysis operator-algebras c-star-algebras

      share|cite|improve this question

      share|cite|improve this question

      share|cite|improve this question

      share|cite|improve this question

      edited Apr 1 at 0:19

      Martin Argerami



      asked Mar 31 at 19:31




          1 Answer






          For part 1, the way you are doing looks problematic to me, because where your dots start you would have $sum_sgamma_s,s^-1$ and you need to relate them to the corresponding coefficients for $U_ts$.

          Rather, first note that it is enough to work with finite sums, since $tau$ is (obviously!) wot-continuous. With finite sums (and thus no need to worry about convergence) you have
          tau(ST)&=sum_s,t alpha_sbeta_tlangle U_stdelta_e,delta_erangle
          =sum_s,t alpha_sbeta_tlangle delta_st,delta_erangle

          For part 3, part 2 (which says that $tau$ is faithful) is the essential bit. If $S$ is an isometry, you have $S^*S=I$. Then

          Note also that $SS^*leq I$, since it is positive and its norm is 1 (because $|SS^*|=|S^*|^2=|S|^2=|S^*S|=1$). Any positive element is of the form $T^*T$ for some $T$. So $I-SS^*=0$, and $SS^*=I$, making $S$ a unitary.

          share|cite|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            Thank you. Where does this come from $sum_s,t alpha_sbeta_tlangle delta_st,delta_erangle =sum_salpha_sbeta_s^-1$? Could you please elaborate a little more on the last paragraph?
            – UnknownW
            Apr 1 at 12:03

          • $begingroup$
            The only way for the inner product to be 1 (and not zero) is to have $st=e$.
            – Martin Argerami
            Apr 1 at 13:51

          • $begingroup$
            Okay, thank you. I have one last question: Is $S$ belongs to $mathcalL(G)$ would it be okay to write $S=sum_sin Galpha_sU_s$ or should it be written in another from?
            – UnknownW
            Apr 1 at 20:25

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          1 Answer












          For part 1, the way you are doing looks problematic to me, because where your dots start you would have $sum_sgamma_s,s^-1$ and you need to relate them to the corresponding coefficients for $U_ts$.

          Rather, first note that it is enough to work with finite sums, since $tau$ is (obviously!) wot-continuous. With finite sums (and thus no need to worry about convergence) you have
          tau(ST)&=sum_s,t alpha_sbeta_tlangle U_stdelta_e,delta_erangle
          =sum_s,t alpha_sbeta_tlangle delta_st,delta_erangle

          For part 3, part 2 (which says that $tau$ is faithful) is the essential bit. If $S$ is an isometry, you have $S^*S=I$. Then

          Note also that $SS^*leq I$, since it is positive and its norm is 1 (because $|SS^*|=|S^*|^2=|S|^2=|S^*S|=1$). Any positive element is of the form $T^*T$ for some $T$. So $I-SS^*=0$, and $SS^*=I$, making $S$ a unitary.

          share|cite|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            Thank you. Where does this come from $sum_s,t alpha_sbeta_tlangle delta_st,delta_erangle =sum_salpha_sbeta_s^-1$? Could you please elaborate a little more on the last paragraph?
            – UnknownW
            Apr 1 at 12:03

          • $begingroup$
            The only way for the inner product to be 1 (and not zero) is to have $st=e$.
            – Martin Argerami
            Apr 1 at 13:51

          • $begingroup$
            Okay, thank you. I have one last question: Is $S$ belongs to $mathcalL(G)$ would it be okay to write $S=sum_sin Galpha_sU_s$ or should it be written in another from?
            – UnknownW
            Apr 1 at 20:25



          For part 1, the way you are doing looks problematic to me, because where your dots start you would have $sum_sgamma_s,s^-1$ and you need to relate them to the corresponding coefficients for $U_ts$.

          Rather, first note that it is enough to work with finite sums, since $tau$ is (obviously!) wot-continuous. With finite sums (and thus no need to worry about convergence) you have
          tau(ST)&=sum_s,t alpha_sbeta_tlangle U_stdelta_e,delta_erangle
          =sum_s,t alpha_sbeta_tlangle delta_st,delta_erangle

          For part 3, part 2 (which says that $tau$ is faithful) is the essential bit. If $S$ is an isometry, you have $S^*S=I$. Then

          Note also that $SS^*leq I$, since it is positive and its norm is 1 (because $|SS^*|=|S^*|^2=|S|^2=|S^*S|=1$). Any positive element is of the form $T^*T$ for some $T$. So $I-SS^*=0$, and $SS^*=I$, making $S$ a unitary.

          share|cite|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            Thank you. Where does this come from $sum_s,t alpha_sbeta_tlangle delta_st,delta_erangle =sum_salpha_sbeta_s^-1$? Could you please elaborate a little more on the last paragraph?
            – UnknownW
            Apr 1 at 12:03

          • $begingroup$
            The only way for the inner product to be 1 (and not zero) is to have $st=e$.
            – Martin Argerami
            Apr 1 at 13:51

          • $begingroup$
            Okay, thank you. I have one last question: Is $S$ belongs to $mathcalL(G)$ would it be okay to write $S=sum_sin Galpha_sU_s$ or should it be written in another from?
            – UnknownW
            Apr 1 at 20:25





          For part 1, the way you are doing looks problematic to me, because where your dots start you would have $sum_sgamma_s,s^-1$ and you need to relate them to the corresponding coefficients for $U_ts$.

          Rather, first note that it is enough to work with finite sums, since $tau$ is (obviously!) wot-continuous. With finite sums (and thus no need to worry about convergence) you have
          tau(ST)&=sum_s,t alpha_sbeta_tlangle U_stdelta_e,delta_erangle
          =sum_s,t alpha_sbeta_tlangle delta_st,delta_erangle

          For part 3, part 2 (which says that $tau$ is faithful) is the essential bit. If $S$ is an isometry, you have $S^*S=I$. Then

          Note also that $SS^*leq I$, since it is positive and its norm is 1 (because $|SS^*|=|S^*|^2=|S|^2=|S^*S|=1$). Any positive element is of the form $T^*T$ for some $T$. So $I-SS^*=0$, and $SS^*=I$, making $S$ a unitary.

          share|cite|improve this answer


          For part 1, the way you are doing looks problematic to me, because where your dots start you would have $sum_sgamma_s,s^-1$ and you need to relate them to the corresponding coefficients for $U_ts$.

          Rather, first note that it is enough to work with finite sums, since $tau$ is (obviously!) wot-continuous. With finite sums (and thus no need to worry about convergence) you have
          tau(ST)&=sum_s,t alpha_sbeta_tlangle U_stdelta_e,delta_erangle
          =sum_s,t alpha_sbeta_tlangle delta_st,delta_erangle

          For part 3, part 2 (which says that $tau$ is faithful) is the essential bit. If $S$ is an isometry, you have $S^*S=I$. Then

          Note also that $SS^*leq I$, since it is positive and its norm is 1 (because $|SS^*|=|S^*|^2=|S|^2=|S^*S|=1$). Any positive element is of the form $T^*T$ for some $T$. So $I-SS^*=0$, and $SS^*=I$, making $S$ a unitary.

          share|cite|improve this answer

          share|cite|improve this answer

          share|cite|improve this answer

          answered Mar 31 at 23:40

          Martin ArgeramiMartin Argerami



          • $begingroup$
            Thank you. Where does this come from $sum_s,t alpha_sbeta_tlangle delta_st,delta_erangle =sum_salpha_sbeta_s^-1$? Could you please elaborate a little more on the last paragraph?
            – UnknownW
            Apr 1 at 12:03

          • $begingroup$
            The only way for the inner product to be 1 (and not zero) is to have $st=e$.
            – Martin Argerami
            Apr 1 at 13:51

          • $begingroup$
            Okay, thank you. I have one last question: Is $S$ belongs to $mathcalL(G)$ would it be okay to write $S=sum_sin Galpha_sU_s$ or should it be written in another from?
            – UnknownW
            Apr 1 at 20:25

          • $begingroup$
            Thank you. Where does this come from $sum_s,t alpha_sbeta_tlangle delta_st,delta_erangle =sum_salpha_sbeta_s^-1$? Could you please elaborate a little more on the last paragraph?
            – UnknownW
            Apr 1 at 12:03

          • $begingroup$
            The only way for the inner product to be 1 (and not zero) is to have $st=e$.
            – Martin Argerami
            Apr 1 at 13:51

          • $begingroup$
            Okay, thank you. I have one last question: Is $S$ belongs to $mathcalL(G)$ would it be okay to write $S=sum_sin Galpha_sU_s$ or should it be written in another from?
            – UnknownW
            Apr 1 at 20:25

          Thank you. Where does this come from $sum_s,t alpha_sbeta_tlangle delta_st,delta_erangle =sum_salpha_sbeta_s^-1$? Could you please elaborate a little more on the last paragraph?
          – UnknownW
          Apr 1 at 12:03

          Thank you. Where does this come from $sum_s,t alpha_sbeta_tlangle delta_st,delta_erangle =sum_salpha_sbeta_s^-1$? Could you please elaborate a little more on the last paragraph?
          – UnknownW
          Apr 1 at 12:03

          The only way for the inner product to be 1 (and not zero) is to have $st=e$.
          – Martin Argerami
          Apr 1 at 13:51

          The only way for the inner product to be 1 (and not zero) is to have $st=e$.
          – Martin Argerami
          Apr 1 at 13:51

          Okay, thank you. I have one last question: Is $S$ belongs to $mathcalL(G)$ would it be okay to write $S=sum_sin Galpha_sU_s$ or should it be written in another from?
          – UnknownW
          Apr 1 at 20:25

          Okay, thank you. I have one last question: Is $S$ belongs to $mathcalL(G)$ would it be okay to write $S=sum_sin Galpha_sU_s$ or should it be written in another from?
          – UnknownW
          Apr 1 at 20:25

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