Prove that $inf left int_E f dmu : mu (E) geq alpharight > 0$ Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30pm US/Eastern)Homework measureIf $int_E f=int_E g$ then $f=g$ a.e.?Show that there exists a measurable function $g$ with $|g| leq 1$ so that $int_E g dnu = |nu|(E)$ for all measurable sets $E$.Use the definition of the integral to prove that if $A subset E$, where $E$ is measurable, then $int_A f = int_E f chi_A$Let $f$ be positive and Lebesgue measurable on $[0,1]$. Show that $inf_lambda(E)geq epsilon int_E fdlambda >0$ for any $epsilonin(0,1]$.Prove $lim_ntoinftyint_E_nf(x)dmu=int_E f(x)dmu,,,,,,text where E=cup_n=1^infty E_n$Prove that $int_A f = int_E fchi_A$ using definition of Lebesgue integralProof verification that $mu_f$($E$) $=$ $int_E f,dlambda$ is a measure on $mathcal M$.Prove that $infleftint_E f dmu : E in mathcalM, mu(E)geq 0 right>0$Problems proving that if $f_nrightarrow f$ pointwise and $int_R f=lim_nint_R f_n$ then $int_E f=lim_nint_E f_n$ for meas $E subseteq R$.

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Prove that $inf left int_E f dmu : mu (E) geq alpharight > 0$

Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara
Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30pm US/Eastern)Homework measureIf $int_E f=int_E g$ then $f=g$ a.e.?Show that there exists a measurable function $g$ with $|g| leq 1$ so that $int_E g dnu = |nu|(E)$ for all measurable sets $E$.Use the definition of the integral to prove that if $A subset E$, where $E$ is measurable, then $int_A f = int_E f chi_A$Let $f$ be positive and Lebesgue measurable on $[0,1]$. Show that $inf_lambda(E)geq epsilon int_E fdlambda >0$ for any $epsilonin(0,1]$.Prove $lim_ntoinftyint_E_nf(x)dmu=int_E f(x)dmu,,,,,,text where E=cup_n=1^infty E_n$Prove that $int_A f = int_E fchi_A$ using definition of Lebesgue integralProof verification that $mu_f$($E$) $=$ $int_E f,dlambda$ is a measure on $mathcal M$.Prove that $infleftint_E f dmu : E in mathcalM, mu(E)geq 0 right>0$Problems proving that if $f_nrightarrow f$ pointwise and $int_R f=lim_nint_R f_n$ then $int_E f=lim_nint_E f_n$ for meas $E subseteq R$.



The next problem appears in the book "Real analysis" by Thomson/Bruckner in the chapter of Integrable functions. My proof seems good to me but I'm not confident enough with my proofs in this subject.
Here, $(X, sigma, mu)$ is a measurable space. I use the following:

Given a succession $(E_n)$ of measurable sets, $limsup E_n = x in X : x$ belongs to $E_j$ for infinitely many $j $

Theorem: if $(E_n)$ is a succession of measurable sets and $mu (cup E_n) < infty$ then $limsup mu(E_n) leq mu(limsup E_n)$

Problem: Suppose that $f in L_1(X)$, that $f(x)>0$ for all $x in X$, and that $0 < alpha < mu(X) < infty $. Prove that
$$ inf left int_E f dmu : mu (E) geq alpharight > 0. $$

My attempt:

Suppose that $inf left int_E f dmu : mu (E) geq alpharight = 0$. Then, we can choose a succession $(E_n)_n geq 1$ such that $mu(E_n) geq alpha$ and
$$ int_En f < fracalpha2^n.$$
Then, $f|_E_n < frac12^n $. For if $f|_E_n geq frac12^n $ then we have
$$ fracalpha2^n > int_E_n f d mu geq int_E_n fracd mu2^n = fracmu(E_n)2^n geq fracalpha2^n,$$
a contradiction.

Now, if there exist $ x in X$ such that $x in limsup E_n$ then $f(x)<fracalpha2^j$, for infinitely many $j's$. So we must have $f(x) = 0$, contradicting that $f > 0$. Therefore $limsup E_n = emptyset$ and $mu (limsup E_n)=0$.
$limsup mu(E_n) geq alpha$ because $mu(E_n) geq alpha$ for every $n$. And because we are in a space of finite measure, we can aply the above theorem and obtain
$$ 0 < alpha leq limsup mu(E_n) leq mu (limsup E_n) = 0. $$
So $alpha = 0$ is our final contradiction.

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  • $begingroup$
    Your proof is not valid. You are assuming that either $f|E_n < frac 1 2^n$ at every point or $f|E_n geq frac 1 2^n$ at every point. There may be some points $x$ of $E_n$ where $f(x)< frac 1 2^n$ and some others where $f(x)> frac 1 2^n$.
    – Kavi Rama Murthy
    Mar 8 at 0:11



The next problem appears in the book "Real analysis" by Thomson/Bruckner in the chapter of Integrable functions. My proof seems good to me but I'm not confident enough with my proofs in this subject.
Here, $(X, sigma, mu)$ is a measurable space. I use the following:

Given a succession $(E_n)$ of measurable sets, $limsup E_n = x in X : x$ belongs to $E_j$ for infinitely many $j $

Theorem: if $(E_n)$ is a succession of measurable sets and $mu (cup E_n) < infty$ then $limsup mu(E_n) leq mu(limsup E_n)$

Problem: Suppose that $f in L_1(X)$, that $f(x)>0$ for all $x in X$, and that $0 < alpha < mu(X) < infty $. Prove that
$$ inf left int_E f dmu : mu (E) geq alpharight > 0. $$

My attempt:

Suppose that $inf left int_E f dmu : mu (E) geq alpharight = 0$. Then, we can choose a succession $(E_n)_n geq 1$ such that $mu(E_n) geq alpha$ and
$$ int_En f < fracalpha2^n.$$
Then, $f|_E_n < frac12^n $. For if $f|_E_n geq frac12^n $ then we have
$$ fracalpha2^n > int_E_n f d mu geq int_E_n fracd mu2^n = fracmu(E_n)2^n geq fracalpha2^n,$$
a contradiction.

Now, if there exist $ x in X$ such that $x in limsup E_n$ then $f(x)<fracalpha2^j$, for infinitely many $j's$. So we must have $f(x) = 0$, contradicting that $f > 0$. Therefore $limsup E_n = emptyset$ and $mu (limsup E_n)=0$.
$limsup mu(E_n) geq alpha$ because $mu(E_n) geq alpha$ for every $n$. And because we are in a space of finite measure, we can aply the above theorem and obtain
$$ 0 < alpha leq limsup mu(E_n) leq mu (limsup E_n) = 0. $$
So $alpha = 0$ is our final contradiction.

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  • $begingroup$
    Your proof is not valid. You are assuming that either $f|E_n < frac 1 2^n$ at every point or $f|E_n geq frac 1 2^n$ at every point. There may be some points $x$ of $E_n$ where $f(x)< frac 1 2^n$ and some others where $f(x)> frac 1 2^n$.
    – Kavi Rama Murthy
    Mar 8 at 0:11





The next problem appears in the book "Real analysis" by Thomson/Bruckner in the chapter of Integrable functions. My proof seems good to me but I'm not confident enough with my proofs in this subject.
Here, $(X, sigma, mu)$ is a measurable space. I use the following:

Given a succession $(E_n)$ of measurable sets, $limsup E_n = x in X : x$ belongs to $E_j$ for infinitely many $j $

Theorem: if $(E_n)$ is a succession of measurable sets and $mu (cup E_n) < infty$ then $limsup mu(E_n) leq mu(limsup E_n)$

Problem: Suppose that $f in L_1(X)$, that $f(x)>0$ for all $x in X$, and that $0 < alpha < mu(X) < infty $. Prove that
$$ inf left int_E f dmu : mu (E) geq alpharight > 0. $$

My attempt:

Suppose that $inf left int_E f dmu : mu (E) geq alpharight = 0$. Then, we can choose a succession $(E_n)_n geq 1$ such that $mu(E_n) geq alpha$ and
$$ int_En f < fracalpha2^n.$$
Then, $f|_E_n < frac12^n $. For if $f|_E_n geq frac12^n $ then we have
$$ fracalpha2^n > int_E_n f d mu geq int_E_n fracd mu2^n = fracmu(E_n)2^n geq fracalpha2^n,$$
a contradiction.

Now, if there exist $ x in X$ such that $x in limsup E_n$ then $f(x)<fracalpha2^j$, for infinitely many $j's$. So we must have $f(x) = 0$, contradicting that $f > 0$. Therefore $limsup E_n = emptyset$ and $mu (limsup E_n)=0$.
$limsup mu(E_n) geq alpha$ because $mu(E_n) geq alpha$ for every $n$. And because we are in a space of finite measure, we can aply the above theorem and obtain
$$ 0 < alpha leq limsup mu(E_n) leq mu (limsup E_n) = 0. $$
So $alpha = 0$ is our final contradiction.

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The next problem appears in the book "Real analysis" by Thomson/Bruckner in the chapter of Integrable functions. My proof seems good to me but I'm not confident enough with my proofs in this subject.
Here, $(X, sigma, mu)$ is a measurable space. I use the following:

Given a succession $(E_n)$ of measurable sets, $limsup E_n = x in X : x$ belongs to $E_j$ for infinitely many $j $

Theorem: if $(E_n)$ is a succession of measurable sets and $mu (cup E_n) < infty$ then $limsup mu(E_n) leq mu(limsup E_n)$

Problem: Suppose that $f in L_1(X)$, that $f(x)>0$ for all $x in X$, and that $0 < alpha < mu(X) < infty $. Prove that
$$ inf left int_E f dmu : mu (E) geq alpharight > 0. $$

My attempt:

Suppose that $inf left int_E f dmu : mu (E) geq alpharight = 0$. Then, we can choose a succession $(E_n)_n geq 1$ such that $mu(E_n) geq alpha$ and
$$ int_En f < fracalpha2^n.$$
Then, $f|_E_n < frac12^n $. For if $f|_E_n geq frac12^n $ then we have
$$ fracalpha2^n > int_E_n f d mu geq int_E_n fracd mu2^n = fracmu(E_n)2^n geq fracalpha2^n,$$
a contradiction.

Now, if there exist $ x in X$ such that $x in limsup E_n$ then $f(x)<fracalpha2^j$, for infinitely many $j's$. So we must have $f(x) = 0$, contradicting that $f > 0$. Therefore $limsup E_n = emptyset$ and $mu (limsup E_n)=0$.
$limsup mu(E_n) geq alpha$ because $mu(E_n) geq alpha$ for every $n$. And because we are in a space of finite measure, we can aply the above theorem and obtain
$$ 0 < alpha leq limsup mu(E_n) leq mu (limsup E_n) = 0. $$
So $alpha = 0$ is our final contradiction.

measure-theory proof-verification lebesgue-integral

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asked Mar 7 at 23:30




  • $begingroup$
    Your proof is not valid. You are assuming that either $f|E_n < frac 1 2^n$ at every point or $f|E_n geq frac 1 2^n$ at every point. There may be some points $x$ of $E_n$ where $f(x)< frac 1 2^n$ and some others where $f(x)> frac 1 2^n$.
    – Kavi Rama Murthy
    Mar 8 at 0:11

  • $begingroup$
    Your proof is not valid. You are assuming that either $f|E_n < frac 1 2^n$ at every point or $f|E_n geq frac 1 2^n$ at every point. There may be some points $x$ of $E_n$ where $f(x)< frac 1 2^n$ and some others where $f(x)> frac 1 2^n$.
    – Kavi Rama Murthy
    Mar 8 at 0:11

Your proof is not valid. You are assuming that either $f|E_n < frac 1 2^n$ at every point or $f|E_n geq frac 1 2^n$ at every point. There may be some points $x$ of $E_n$ where $f(x)< frac 1 2^n$ and some others where $f(x)> frac 1 2^n$.
– Kavi Rama Murthy
Mar 8 at 0:11

Your proof is not valid. You are assuming that either $f|E_n < frac 1 2^n$ at every point or $f|E_n geq frac 1 2^n$ at every point. There may be some points $x$ of $E_n$ where $f(x)< frac 1 2^n$ and some others where $f(x)> frac 1 2^n$.
– Kavi Rama Murthy
Mar 8 at 0:11

1 Answer






For $ninmathbbN$, define $A_n=x:f(x)>frac1n$ note that $A_nuparrow X$ (because $f(x)>0$), so $mu(A_n)uparrowmu(X)$. Hence, there is some $m$ big enough such that $mu(X)-mu(A_m)=mu(X-A_m)<alpha/2$.

Therefore, for any set $E$ with $mu(E)>alpha$, you will have that $mu(Ecap A_m)geq mu(E)-mu(X-A_m)>fracalpha2$.

Hence, $int_Ef dmugeq int_Ecap A_mf dmugeqint_Ecap A_mfrac1mdmu=frac1mmu(Ecap A_m)>fracalpha2m$.

So the infimum is at least $fracalpha2m>0$.

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    For $ninmathbbN$, define $A_n=x:f(x)>frac1n$ note that $A_nuparrow X$ (because $f(x)>0$), so $mu(A_n)uparrowmu(X)$. Hence, there is some $m$ big enough such that $mu(X)-mu(A_m)=mu(X-A_m)<alpha/2$.

    Therefore, for any set $E$ with $mu(E)>alpha$, you will have that $mu(Ecap A_m)geq mu(E)-mu(X-A_m)>fracalpha2$.

    Hence, $int_Ef dmugeq int_Ecap A_mf dmugeqint_Ecap A_mfrac1mdmu=frac1mmu(Ecap A_m)>fracalpha2m$.

    So the infimum is at least $fracalpha2m>0$.

    share|cite|improve this answer




      For $ninmathbbN$, define $A_n=x:f(x)>frac1n$ note that $A_nuparrow X$ (because $f(x)>0$), so $mu(A_n)uparrowmu(X)$. Hence, there is some $m$ big enough such that $mu(X)-mu(A_m)=mu(X-A_m)<alpha/2$.

      Therefore, for any set $E$ with $mu(E)>alpha$, you will have that $mu(Ecap A_m)geq mu(E)-mu(X-A_m)>fracalpha2$.

      Hence, $int_Ef dmugeq int_Ecap A_mf dmugeqint_Ecap A_mfrac1mdmu=frac1mmu(Ecap A_m)>fracalpha2m$.

      So the infimum is at least $fracalpha2m>0$.

      share|cite|improve this answer






        For $ninmathbbN$, define $A_n=x:f(x)>frac1n$ note that $A_nuparrow X$ (because $f(x)>0$), so $mu(A_n)uparrowmu(X)$. Hence, there is some $m$ big enough such that $mu(X)-mu(A_m)=mu(X-A_m)<alpha/2$.

        Therefore, for any set $E$ with $mu(E)>alpha$, you will have that $mu(Ecap A_m)geq mu(E)-mu(X-A_m)>fracalpha2$.

        Hence, $int_Ef dmugeq int_Ecap A_mf dmugeqint_Ecap A_mfrac1mdmu=frac1mmu(Ecap A_m)>fracalpha2m$.

        So the infimum is at least $fracalpha2m>0$.

        share|cite|improve this answer


        For $ninmathbbN$, define $A_n=x:f(x)>frac1n$ note that $A_nuparrow X$ (because $f(x)>0$), so $mu(A_n)uparrowmu(X)$. Hence, there is some $m$ big enough such that $mu(X)-mu(A_m)=mu(X-A_m)<alpha/2$.

        Therefore, for any set $E$ with $mu(E)>alpha$, you will have that $mu(Ecap A_m)geq mu(E)-mu(X-A_m)>fracalpha2$.

        Hence, $int_Ef dmugeq int_Ecap A_mf dmugeqint_Ecap A_mfrac1mdmu=frac1mmu(Ecap A_m)>fracalpha2m$.

        So the infimum is at least $fracalpha2m>0$.

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        edited Apr 2 at 14:47

        answered Mar 8 at 1:26

        Julian MejiaJulian Mejia



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