$f_n(x) to f(x)$ and $int |f_n|^2 , dmu to int |f|^2 , dmu$. Use Egorov's theorem to show $f_n to f$ in $L^2(dmu)$. Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30pm US/Eastern)Consider $f_n, f in L^2(dmu)$, $f_n(x) to f(x)$ a.e. and $|f_n|_2 to |f|_2$. Use Egorov's theorem to show that $f_n to f$ in $L^2(dmu)$.An alternate proof of Egorov's TheoremIf $int(f_n) rightarrow int(f)$ then $int(|f_n-f|) rightarrow 0$ for $f_n rightarrow f$ pointwiseIf a sequence $f_n$ is bounded in $L^2$ and converges to zero a.e., then $f_nto 0$ in $L^p$ for $0<p<2$Suppose $mu$ is a finite measure and $sup_n int |f_n|^1+epsilon dmu<infty$ for some $epsilon$. Prove that $f_n$ is uniformly integrableAssume that $f_nto f$ in measure and $sup_n|f_n|_L^p(E)<infty$ for some $p>1$. Prove that $f_n$ converges to $f$ in $L^1$ norm.If $mu(|f_n|^p)$ is bounded and $f_nto f$ in measure then $f_nto f$ in $L^1$$(f_n)$ in $L^p(Omega)$ satisfying $f_n(x) to f(x)$ a.e. and $|f_n|_p to |f|_p$, then $|f_n - f|_p to 0$?Convergence of $int f_n e^-f_ndx$Why can't I use dominated convergence theorem .Consider $f_n, f in L^2(dmu)$, $f_n(x) to f(x)$ a.e. and $|f_n|_2 to |f|_2$. Use Egorov's theorem to show that $f_n to f$ in $L^2(dmu)$.

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$f_n(x) to f(x)$ and $int |f_n|^2 , dmu to int |f|^2 , dmu$. Use Egorov's theorem to show $f_n to f$ in $L^2(dmu)$.

Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara
Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30pm US/Eastern)Consider $f_n, f in L^2(dmu)$, $f_n(x) to f(x)$ a.e. and $|f_n|_2 to |f|_2$. Use Egorov's theorem to show that $f_n to f$ in $L^2(dmu)$.An alternate proof of Egorov's TheoremIf $int(f_n) rightarrow int(f)$ then $int(|f_n-f|) rightarrow 0$ for $f_n rightarrow f$ pointwiseIf a sequence $f_n$ is bounded in $L^2$ and converges to zero a.e., then $f_nto 0$ in $L^p$ for $0<p<2$Suppose $mu$ is a finite measure and $sup_n int |f_n|^1+epsilon dmu<infty$ for some $epsilon$. Prove that $f_n$ is uniformly integrableAssume that $f_nto f$ in measure and $sup_n|f_n|_L^p(E)<infty$ for some $p>1$. Prove that $f_n$ converges to $f$ in $L^1$ norm.If $mu(|f_n|^p)$ is bounded and $f_nto f$ in measure then $f_nto f$ in $L^1$$(f_n)$ in $L^p(Omega)$ satisfying $f_n(x) to f(x)$ a.e. and $|f_n|_p to |f|_p$, then $|f_n - f|_p to 0$?Convergence of $int f_n e^-f_ndx$Why can't I use dominated convergence theorem .Consider $f_n, f in L^2(dmu)$, $f_n(x) to f(x)$ a.e. and $|f_n|_2 to |f|_2$. Use Egorov's theorem to show that $f_n to f$ in $L^2(dmu)$.



Consider $f in L^2(dmu)$, $ f_n in L^2(dmu)$, $f_n(x) to f(x)$ a.e. and $int |f_n|^2 , dmu mathoplongrightarrowlimits_n to infty int |f|^2 , dmu$. Use Egorov's theorem to show that $f_n to f$ in $L^2(dmu)$.

Egorov's Theorem requires that $f$ is defined or supported on a set $E$ of finite measure, so that is implicitly given by the question. For any $epsilon$, by Egorov's Theorem, there exists a $A_epsilon subset E$ such that $f_n$ converges uniformly to $f$ in $A_epsilon$ and that $m(E-A_epsilon) < epsilon$. For large enough $n$, $|f_n - f| < epsilon$ for all $x in A_epsilon$.

limlimits_n to infty left( lVert f_n - f rVert_2 right)^2 &= limlimits_n to infty int |f_n - f|^2 , dmu \
&= limlimits_n to infty int_A_epsilon |f_n - f|^2 , dmu + limlimits_n to infty int_E - A_epsilon |f_n - f|^2 , dmu \
&le epsilon^2 cdot m(E) + epsilon cdot limlimits_n to infty max(|f_n - f|^2) \

The left term is arbitrarily small. I am stuck on trying to show that the term on the right is arbitrarily small.

I'm not using the given that:

limlimits_n to infty int |f_n|^2 , dmu &= int |f|^2 , dmu \

Which means that the $L^2$ norm of $f_n$ approaches that of $f$. I presume that I'm supposed to use that but I don't see how.

I asked this question several days ago, but I didn't get an answer, so I'm rewriting a cleaned up version here.

Consider $f_n, f in L^2(dmu)$, $f_n(x) to f(x)$ a.e. and $|f_n|_2 to |f|_2$. Use Egorov's theorem to show that $f_n to f$ in $L^2(dmu)$.

share|cite|improve this question




    Consider $f in L^2(dmu)$, $ f_n in L^2(dmu)$, $f_n(x) to f(x)$ a.e. and $int |f_n|^2 , dmu mathoplongrightarrowlimits_n to infty int |f|^2 , dmu$. Use Egorov's theorem to show that $f_n to f$ in $L^2(dmu)$.

    Egorov's Theorem requires that $f$ is defined or supported on a set $E$ of finite measure, so that is implicitly given by the question. For any $epsilon$, by Egorov's Theorem, there exists a $A_epsilon subset E$ such that $f_n$ converges uniformly to $f$ in $A_epsilon$ and that $m(E-A_epsilon) < epsilon$. For large enough $n$, $|f_n - f| < epsilon$ for all $x in A_epsilon$.

    limlimits_n to infty left( lVert f_n - f rVert_2 right)^2 &= limlimits_n to infty int |f_n - f|^2 , dmu \
    &= limlimits_n to infty int_A_epsilon |f_n - f|^2 , dmu + limlimits_n to infty int_E - A_epsilon |f_n - f|^2 , dmu \
    &le epsilon^2 cdot m(E) + epsilon cdot limlimits_n to infty max(|f_n - f|^2) \

    The left term is arbitrarily small. I am stuck on trying to show that the term on the right is arbitrarily small.

    I'm not using the given that:

    limlimits_n to infty int |f_n|^2 , dmu &= int |f|^2 , dmu \

    Which means that the $L^2$ norm of $f_n$ approaches that of $f$. I presume that I'm supposed to use that but I don't see how.

    I asked this question several days ago, but I didn't get an answer, so I'm rewriting a cleaned up version here.

    Consider $f_n, f in L^2(dmu)$, $f_n(x) to f(x)$ a.e. and $|f_n|_2 to |f|_2$. Use Egorov's theorem to show that $f_n to f$ in $L^2(dmu)$.

    share|cite|improve this question







      Consider $f in L^2(dmu)$, $ f_n in L^2(dmu)$, $f_n(x) to f(x)$ a.e. and $int |f_n|^2 , dmu mathoplongrightarrowlimits_n to infty int |f|^2 , dmu$. Use Egorov's theorem to show that $f_n to f$ in $L^2(dmu)$.

      Egorov's Theorem requires that $f$ is defined or supported on a set $E$ of finite measure, so that is implicitly given by the question. For any $epsilon$, by Egorov's Theorem, there exists a $A_epsilon subset E$ such that $f_n$ converges uniformly to $f$ in $A_epsilon$ and that $m(E-A_epsilon) < epsilon$. For large enough $n$, $|f_n - f| < epsilon$ for all $x in A_epsilon$.

      limlimits_n to infty left( lVert f_n - f rVert_2 right)^2 &= limlimits_n to infty int |f_n - f|^2 , dmu \
      &= limlimits_n to infty int_A_epsilon |f_n - f|^2 , dmu + limlimits_n to infty int_E - A_epsilon |f_n - f|^2 , dmu \
      &le epsilon^2 cdot m(E) + epsilon cdot limlimits_n to infty max(|f_n - f|^2) \

      The left term is arbitrarily small. I am stuck on trying to show that the term on the right is arbitrarily small.

      I'm not using the given that:

      limlimits_n to infty int |f_n|^2 , dmu &= int |f|^2 , dmu \

      Which means that the $L^2$ norm of $f_n$ approaches that of $f$. I presume that I'm supposed to use that but I don't see how.

      I asked this question several days ago, but I didn't get an answer, so I'm rewriting a cleaned up version here.

      Consider $f_n, f in L^2(dmu)$, $f_n(x) to f(x)$ a.e. and $|f_n|_2 to |f|_2$. Use Egorov's theorem to show that $f_n to f$ in $L^2(dmu)$.

      share|cite|improve this question


      Consider $f in L^2(dmu)$, $ f_n in L^2(dmu)$, $f_n(x) to f(x)$ a.e. and $int |f_n|^2 , dmu mathoplongrightarrowlimits_n to infty int |f|^2 , dmu$. Use Egorov's theorem to show that $f_n to f$ in $L^2(dmu)$.

      Egorov's Theorem requires that $f$ is defined or supported on a set $E$ of finite measure, so that is implicitly given by the question. For any $epsilon$, by Egorov's Theorem, there exists a $A_epsilon subset E$ such that $f_n$ converges uniformly to $f$ in $A_epsilon$ and that $m(E-A_epsilon) < epsilon$. For large enough $n$, $|f_n - f| < epsilon$ for all $x in A_epsilon$.

      limlimits_n to infty left( lVert f_n - f rVert_2 right)^2 &= limlimits_n to infty int |f_n - f|^2 , dmu \
      &= limlimits_n to infty int_A_epsilon |f_n - f|^2 , dmu + limlimits_n to infty int_E - A_epsilon |f_n - f|^2 , dmu \
      &le epsilon^2 cdot m(E) + epsilon cdot limlimits_n to infty max(|f_n - f|^2) \

      The left term is arbitrarily small. I am stuck on trying to show that the term on the right is arbitrarily small.

      I'm not using the given that:

      limlimits_n to infty int |f_n|^2 , dmu &= int |f|^2 , dmu \

      Which means that the $L^2$ norm of $f_n$ approaches that of $f$. I presume that I'm supposed to use that but I don't see how.

      I asked this question several days ago, but I didn't get an answer, so I'm rewriting a cleaned up version here.

      Consider $f_n, f in L^2(dmu)$, $f_n(x) to f(x)$ a.e. and $|f_n|_2 to |f|_2$. Use Egorov's theorem to show that $f_n to f$ in $L^2(dmu)$.

      real-analysis lebesgue-integral lp-spaces

      share|cite|improve this question

      share|cite|improve this question

      share|cite|improve this question

      share|cite|improve this question

      edited Apr 2 at 16:27


      asked Apr 2 at 16:08




          1 Answer






          Hint: $|f_n-f|^2 = |f_n|^2 + |f|^2 - 2cdotmathrmRe(f_noverlinef)$. Since $f_nto f$ almost everywhere, $mathrmRe(f_noverlinef)to |f|^2$ almost everywhere. Use Egorov's theorem to show that for all large $n$,
          bigg|int mathrmRe(f_noverlinef),dmu - int|f|^2,dmubigg| < epsilon.

          Then use that $int |f_n|^2,dmu to int |f|^2,dmu$ to conclude that $f_nto f$ in $L^2$.

          share|cite|improve this answer


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            Hint: $|f_n-f|^2 = |f_n|^2 + |f|^2 - 2cdotmathrmRe(f_noverlinef)$. Since $f_nto f$ almost everywhere, $mathrmRe(f_noverlinef)to |f|^2$ almost everywhere. Use Egorov's theorem to show that for all large $n$,
            bigg|int mathrmRe(f_noverlinef),dmu - int|f|^2,dmubigg| < epsilon.

            Then use that $int |f_n|^2,dmu to int |f|^2,dmu$ to conclude that $f_nto f$ in $L^2$.

            share|cite|improve this answer




              Hint: $|f_n-f|^2 = |f_n|^2 + |f|^2 - 2cdotmathrmRe(f_noverlinef)$. Since $f_nto f$ almost everywhere, $mathrmRe(f_noverlinef)to |f|^2$ almost everywhere. Use Egorov's theorem to show that for all large $n$,
              bigg|int mathrmRe(f_noverlinef),dmu - int|f|^2,dmubigg| < epsilon.

              Then use that $int |f_n|^2,dmu to int |f|^2,dmu$ to conclude that $f_nto f$ in $L^2$.

              share|cite|improve this answer






                Hint: $|f_n-f|^2 = |f_n|^2 + |f|^2 - 2cdotmathrmRe(f_noverlinef)$. Since $f_nto f$ almost everywhere, $mathrmRe(f_noverlinef)to |f|^2$ almost everywhere. Use Egorov's theorem to show that for all large $n$,
                bigg|int mathrmRe(f_noverlinef),dmu - int|f|^2,dmubigg| < epsilon.

                Then use that $int |f_n|^2,dmu to int |f|^2,dmu$ to conclude that $f_nto f$ in $L^2$.

                share|cite|improve this answer


                Hint: $|f_n-f|^2 = |f_n|^2 + |f|^2 - 2cdotmathrmRe(f_noverlinef)$. Since $f_nto f$ almost everywhere, $mathrmRe(f_noverlinef)to |f|^2$ almost everywhere. Use Egorov's theorem to show that for all large $n$,
                bigg|int mathrmRe(f_noverlinef),dmu - int|f|^2,dmubigg| < epsilon.

                Then use that $int |f_n|^2,dmu to int |f|^2,dmu$ to conclude that $f_nto f$ in $L^2$.

                share|cite|improve this answer

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                answered Apr 2 at 17:36

                Alex OrtizAlex Ortiz



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