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Lucy Lawless Scannáin | Roghanna sraitheanna teilifíse | Roghchlár nascleanúnaCuir leis

Daoine a rugadh i 1968Ban-aisteoirí Nua-ShéalannachaDaoine beo

29 Márta1968Aucklandan Nua-Shéalainn

Lucy Lawless

Ón Vicipéid, an chiclipéid shaor.

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Lucy Lawless

20120713 Lucy Lawless @ Comic-con cropped.jpg

Lucy Lawless sa bhliain 2012

Ainm breithe
Lucille Frances Ryan

29 Márta 1968 (1968-03-29) (51 bliain d'aois)
Mount Albert, Auckland



1989 - inniu

Garth Lawless (1988-1995), Robert Tapert (1998-inniu)

Is ban-aisteoir í Lucy Lawless a rugadh ar an 29 Márta, 1968, Auckland, an Nua-Shéalainn.

Scannáin |

  • Hercules: The Legendary Journeys

  • Xena Banphrionsa na Laoch

  • The X-Files

  • Battlestar Galactica

Roghanna sraitheanna teilifíse |

  • Spartacus: Blood and Sand

  • Spartacus: Gods of the Arena

  • Spartacus: Vengeance

  • Parks and Recreation

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Roghchlár nascleanúna

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