Lucy Lawless Eduki-taula Filmografia | Kanpo loturak | Nabigazio CommonsLucy Lawless (IMDb)osatuzWorldCat55903445n97095296cb141971132(data)1350968710000 0000 7840 7581223255xx0075447url
Zeelanda Berriko biografia zirriborroak1968ko jaiotzakGizabanako biziakAucklandarrakZeelanda Berriko aktoreakZeelanda Berriko abeslariakEmakume abeslariak
Auckland1968komartxoaren 29aZeelanda Berriko
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Lucy Lawless
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Lucy Lawless | |
![]() | |
Bizitza | |
Izen osoa | Lucille Frances Ryan |
Jaiotza | Mount Albert ![]() |
Herrialdea | ![]() |
Familia | |
Ezkontidea(k) | Rob Tapert (1998 - |
Jarduerak | |
Jarduerak | aktorea, zinema ekoizlea, abeslaria, antzerki aktorea eta zinema aktorea |
Jasotako sariak | ikusi
Ahots mota | kontraltoa |
Musika instrumentua | ahotsa |
IMDb | nm0005128 | |
Lucille Frances Ryan (Auckland, 1968ko martxoaren 29a - ) Zeelanda Berriko aktorea da.
1 Filmografia
1.1 Filmak
1.2 Telebista
2 Kanpo loturak
Filmografia |
Filmak |
Urtea | Filma | Pertsonaia |
1990 | Within the Law | Verity |
A Bitter Song | Erizaina | |
1991 | The End of the Golden Weather | Joeren neskalaguna |
1992 | The Rainbow Warrior | Jane Redmond |
1993 | Typhon's People | Mink Tertius |
1994 | Hercules and the Amazon Women | Lysia |
1995 | Peach | Peach |
1997 | Hercules & Xena: Wizards of the Screen | Xena |
1998 | Hercules and Xena - The Animated Movie: The Battle for Mount Olympus | Xena |
2000 | Ginger Snaps | |
2002 | Spider-Man | Punk Rock neska |
2004 | EuroTrip | Madame Vandersexxx |
2005 | Boogeyman | |
Locusts | Maddy Rierdon | |
Vampire Bats | Maddy Rierdon | |
2006 | The Darkroom | Cheryl |
2007 | Football Wives | Tanya Austin |
2008 | Dragonlance: Dragons of Autumn Twilight | Goldmoon |
Justice League: The New Frontier | Wonder Woman | |
Bedtime Stories | Aspen | |
2009 | Bitch Slap | Moja |
Angel of Death | Vera |
Telebista |
Urtea | Saioa | Pertsonaia |
1989 | Funny Business | Askoa |
rowspan="2" 1990 | Shark in the Park | |
"Double or Quits" | ||
1991 | For the Love of Mike | Helen |
1992 | The Ray Bradbury Theatre | Liddy Barton |
1993 | The Black Stallion | Sarah McFee |
1994 | High Tide | Polizia |
1995 | Hercules: the Legendary Journeys | Lyla |
Xena: Printzesa gerlaria | Xena | |
High Tide | Sharon List | |
2001 | Just Shoot Me! | Stacy |
The X Files | Shannon McMahon | |
2003 | Tarzan | Kathleen Clayton |
2004 | Less Than Perfect | Tracy Fletcher |
2005 | Two and a Half Men | Pamela |
Battlestar Galactica | D'Anna Biers | |
2006 | Veronica Mars | Agent Morris |
2007 | Burn Notice | Evelyn |
2008 | CSI: Miami | Audrey Yates |
2009 | Flight of the Conchords | Paula |
The L Word | Sgt. Marybeth Duffy | |
2010 | Spartacus: Blood and Sand | Lucretia |
Kanpo loturak |
![]() | Wikimedia Commonsen badira fitxategi gehiago, gai hau dutenak: Lucy Lawless ![]() |
(Ingelesez) Lucy Lawless (IMDb)
![]() ![]() | Artikulu hau Zeelanda Berriko biografia baten zirriborroa da. Wikipedia lagun dezakezu edukia osatuz. |
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- Zeelanda Berriko biografia zirriborroak
- 1968ko jaiotzak
- Gizabanako biziak
- Aucklandarrak
- Zeelanda Berriko aktoreak
- Zeelanda Berriko abeslariak
- Emakume abeslariak
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