Sum of $fracn binomnk-1binom2 nk$ The Next CEO of Stack Overflow$sum_k=-m^n binomm+kr binomn-ks =binomm+n+1r+s+1$ using Counting argumentExercise from Comtet's Advanced Combinatorics: prove $27sum_n=1^infty 1/binom2nn=9+2pi sqrt3$A Binomial Coefficient Sum: $sum_m = 0^n (-1)^n-m binomnm binomm-1l$Upper bound on sum of binomial coefficientsMonotonicity of a finite sumExpressing a factorial as difference of powers: $sum_r=0^nbinomnr(-1)^r(l-r)^n=n!$?Alternating sum of binomial coefficients: given $n in mathbb N$, prove $sum^n_k=0(-1)^k n choose k = 0$How find this sum $sum_k=0^nbinomnk|n-2k|$ closed form or asymptotic behaviour?Evaluating the sums $sumlimits_n=1^inftyfrac1n binomknn$ with $k$ a positive integerShow by induction that $sum_i=0^n binomim = binomn+1m+1$I need to find the combinatory formula for this set.
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Sum of $fracn binomnk-1binom2 nk$
The Next CEO of Stack Overflow$sum_k=-m^n binomm+kr binomn-ks =binomm+n+1r+s+1$ using Counting argumentExercise from Comtet's Advanced Combinatorics: prove $27sum_n=1^infty 1/binom2nn=9+2pi sqrt3$A Binomial Coefficient Sum: $sum_m = 0^n (-1)^n-m binomnm binomm-1l$Upper bound on sum of binomial coefficientsMonotonicity of a finite sumExpressing a factorial as difference of powers: $sum_r=0^nbinomnr(-1)^r(l-r)^n=n!$?Alternating sum of binomial coefficients: given $n in mathbb N$, prove $sum^n_k=0(-1)^k n choose k = 0$How find this sum $sum_k=0^nbinomnk|n-2k|$ closed form or asymptotic behaviour?Evaluating the sums $sumlimits_n=1^inftyfrac1n binomknn$ with $k$ a positive integerShow by induction that $sum_i=0^n binomim = binomn+1m+1$I need to find the combinatory formula for this set.
A deleted question (prior answers awaiting merge are viewable here) asked to prove the following:
Let $n$ be a positive integer. Then,
sum_k=1^n+1 dfracn binomnk-1binom2 nk=frac2n+1n+1 .
Note that we can rewrite $dfracn binomnk-1binom2 nk$ as $dfracn!^2 k binom2n-kn-1(2n)!$ (by the standard $dbinomab = dfraca!b!left(a-bright)!$ formula). Thus, the question is equivalent to proving that
sum_k=1^n+1 k dbinom2n-kn-1 = dbinom2n+1n+1 .
combinatorics summation binomial-coefficients
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A deleted question (prior answers awaiting merge are viewable here) asked to prove the following:
Let $n$ be a positive integer. Then,
sum_k=1^n+1 dfracn binomnk-1binom2 nk=frac2n+1n+1 .
Note that we can rewrite $dfracn binomnk-1binom2 nk$ as $dfracn!^2 k binom2n-kn-1(2n)!$ (by the standard $dbinomab = dfraca!b!left(a-bright)!$ formula). Thus, the question is equivalent to proving that
sum_k=1^n+1 k dbinom2n-kn-1 = dbinom2n+1n+1 .
combinatorics summation binomial-coefficients
This is waiting on mods to move the answers from the old question here (one algebraic and one analytic proof).
– darij grinberg
2 days ago
Shouldn't you make this a community wiki post?
– Don Thousand
2 days ago
@DonThousand: Thought of that, but that would make the answers CW as well.
– darij grinberg
2 days ago
Well, you get $$dfracn!^2 k binom2n-kn-1(2n)!=frackbinom2n-kn-1binom2nn.$$ So you really need $$sum_k=1^n+1kbinom2n-kn-1=frac2n+1n+1binom2nn$$
– Thomas Andrews
2 days ago
@darijgrinberg You should give a link (in the question) to the deleted question to help prevent folks wasting time on composing dupe answers.
– Bill Dubuque
2 days ago
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A deleted question (prior answers awaiting merge are viewable here) asked to prove the following:
Let $n$ be a positive integer. Then,
sum_k=1^n+1 dfracn binomnk-1binom2 nk=frac2n+1n+1 .
Note that we can rewrite $dfracn binomnk-1binom2 nk$ as $dfracn!^2 k binom2n-kn-1(2n)!$ (by the standard $dbinomab = dfraca!b!left(a-bright)!$ formula). Thus, the question is equivalent to proving that
sum_k=1^n+1 k dbinom2n-kn-1 = dbinom2n+1n+1 .
combinatorics summation binomial-coefficients
A deleted question (prior answers awaiting merge are viewable here) asked to prove the following:
Let $n$ be a positive integer. Then,
sum_k=1^n+1 dfracn binomnk-1binom2 nk=frac2n+1n+1 .
Note that we can rewrite $dfracn binomnk-1binom2 nk$ as $dfracn!^2 k binom2n-kn-1(2n)!$ (by the standard $dbinomab = dfraca!b!left(a-bright)!$ formula). Thus, the question is equivalent to proving that
sum_k=1^n+1 k dbinom2n-kn-1 = dbinom2n+1n+1 .
combinatorics summation binomial-coefficients
combinatorics summation binomial-coefficients
edited 2 days ago
Bill Dubuque
asked 2 days ago
darij grinbergdarij grinberg
This is waiting on mods to move the answers from the old question here (one algebraic and one analytic proof).
– darij grinberg
2 days ago
Shouldn't you make this a community wiki post?
– Don Thousand
2 days ago
@DonThousand: Thought of that, but that would make the answers CW as well.
– darij grinberg
2 days ago
Well, you get $$dfracn!^2 k binom2n-kn-1(2n)!=frackbinom2n-kn-1binom2nn.$$ So you really need $$sum_k=1^n+1kbinom2n-kn-1=frac2n+1n+1binom2nn$$
– Thomas Andrews
2 days ago
@darijgrinberg You should give a link (in the question) to the deleted question to help prevent folks wasting time on composing dupe answers.
– Bill Dubuque
2 days ago
show 2 more comments
This is waiting on mods to move the answers from the old question here (one algebraic and one analytic proof).
– darij grinberg
2 days ago
Shouldn't you make this a community wiki post?
– Don Thousand
2 days ago
@DonThousand: Thought of that, but that would make the answers CW as well.
– darij grinberg
2 days ago
Well, you get $$dfracn!^2 k binom2n-kn-1(2n)!=frackbinom2n-kn-1binom2nn.$$ So you really need $$sum_k=1^n+1kbinom2n-kn-1=frac2n+1n+1binom2nn$$
– Thomas Andrews
2 days ago
@darijgrinberg You should give a link (in the question) to the deleted question to help prevent folks wasting time on composing dupe answers.
– Bill Dubuque
2 days ago
This is waiting on mods to move the answers from the old question here (one algebraic and one analytic proof).
– darij grinberg
2 days ago
This is waiting on mods to move the answers from the old question here (one algebraic and one analytic proof).
– darij grinberg
2 days ago
Shouldn't you make this a community wiki post?
– Don Thousand
2 days ago
Shouldn't you make this a community wiki post?
– Don Thousand
2 days ago
@DonThousand: Thought of that, but that would make the answers CW as well.
– darij grinberg
2 days ago
@DonThousand: Thought of that, but that would make the answers CW as well.
– darij grinberg
2 days ago
Well, you get $$dfracn!^2 k binom2n-kn-1(2n)!=frackbinom2n-kn-1binom2nn.$$ So you really need $$sum_k=1^n+1kbinom2n-kn-1=frac2n+1n+1binom2nn$$
– Thomas Andrews
2 days ago
Well, you get $$dfracn!^2 k binom2n-kn-1(2n)!=frackbinom2n-kn-1binom2nn.$$ So you really need $$sum_k=1^n+1kbinom2n-kn-1=frac2n+1n+1binom2nn$$
– Thomas Andrews
2 days ago
@darijgrinberg You should give a link (in the question) to the deleted question to help prevent folks wasting time on composing dupe answers.
– Bill Dubuque
2 days ago
@darijgrinberg You should give a link (in the question) to the deleted question to help prevent folks wasting time on composing dupe answers.
– Bill Dubuque
2 days ago
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2 Answers
The equality $ sum_k=1^n+1 k binom2n-kn-1 = binom2n+1n+1 $ is just a special case of
sum_k=i^m-j binomkibinomm-kj=binomm+1i+j+1.
where $igets1,jgets(n-1),mgets 2n$. For a combinatorial proof:
How many subsets of $1,2,dots,m+1$ have size $i+j+1$?
How many such subsets contain $k+1$, and have exactly $i$ elements smaller than $k+1$?
See $sum_k=-m^n binomm+kr binomn-ks =binomm+n+1r+s+1$ using Counting argument.
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Proof Using Convolutions and Generating Functions
First, we show the more general result:
sum_k=0^mbinomklbinomm-kq = binomm+1l+q+1, quad textfor integers m, l, q ge 0.
Proof. $quad$ Note that the sequence $(c_m)$ defined by $c_m=sum_k=0^mbinomklbinomm-kq$ is the convolution of $(a_k)$ and $(b_k),$ where $a_k=binomkl$ and $b_k=binomkq.$ Thus, $c_m$ is the coefficient of $z^m$ in $A(z)B(z),$ where $A(z)$ and $B(z)$ are the generating functions of $(a_k)$ and $(b_k),$ respectively. But, $A(z)=z^l/(1-z)^l+1$ and $B(z)=z^q/(1-z)^q+1,$ so that
A(z)B(z) = fracz^l+q(1-z)^l+q+2=frac1zfracz^l+q+1(1-z)^l+q+2= frac1zsum_kge0binomkl+q+1z^k.
c_m=[z^m]A(z)B(z)= binomm+1l+q+1. tag*$blacksquare$
Setting $m:=2n, l:=1,$ and $q:= n-1,$ we get:
sum_k=0^2nbinomk1binom2n-kn-1 = binom2n+1n+1,
and it is easy to see that $sum_k=0^2nbinomk1binom2n-kn-1 = sum_k=1^n+1kbinom2n-kn-1.$
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2 Answers
2 Answers
The equality $ sum_k=1^n+1 k binom2n-kn-1 = binom2n+1n+1 $ is just a special case of
sum_k=i^m-j binomkibinomm-kj=binomm+1i+j+1.
where $igets1,jgets(n-1),mgets 2n$. For a combinatorial proof:
How many subsets of $1,2,dots,m+1$ have size $i+j+1$?
How many such subsets contain $k+1$, and have exactly $i$ elements smaller than $k+1$?
See $sum_k=-m^n binomm+kr binomn-ks =binomm+n+1r+s+1$ using Counting argument.
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The equality $ sum_k=1^n+1 k binom2n-kn-1 = binom2n+1n+1 $ is just a special case of
sum_k=i^m-j binomkibinomm-kj=binomm+1i+j+1.
where $igets1,jgets(n-1),mgets 2n$. For a combinatorial proof:
How many subsets of $1,2,dots,m+1$ have size $i+j+1$?
How many such subsets contain $k+1$, and have exactly $i$ elements smaller than $k+1$?
See $sum_k=-m^n binomm+kr binomn-ks =binomm+n+1r+s+1$ using Counting argument.
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The equality $ sum_k=1^n+1 k binom2n-kn-1 = binom2n+1n+1 $ is just a special case of
sum_k=i^m-j binomkibinomm-kj=binomm+1i+j+1.
where $igets1,jgets(n-1),mgets 2n$. For a combinatorial proof:
How many subsets of $1,2,dots,m+1$ have size $i+j+1$?
How many such subsets contain $k+1$, and have exactly $i$ elements smaller than $k+1$?
See $sum_k=-m^n binomm+kr binomn-ks =binomm+n+1r+s+1$ using Counting argument.
The equality $ sum_k=1^n+1 k binom2n-kn-1 = binom2n+1n+1 $ is just a special case of
sum_k=i^m-j binomkibinomm-kj=binomm+1i+j+1.
where $igets1,jgets(n-1),mgets 2n$. For a combinatorial proof:
How many subsets of $1,2,dots,m+1$ have size $i+j+1$?
How many such subsets contain $k+1$, and have exactly $i$ elements smaller than $k+1$?
See $sum_k=-m^n binomm+kr binomn-ks =binomm+n+1r+s+1$ using Counting argument.
answered 2 days ago


Mike EarnestMike Earnest
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Proof Using Convolutions and Generating Functions
First, we show the more general result:
sum_k=0^mbinomklbinomm-kq = binomm+1l+q+1, quad textfor integers m, l, q ge 0.
Proof. $quad$ Note that the sequence $(c_m)$ defined by $c_m=sum_k=0^mbinomklbinomm-kq$ is the convolution of $(a_k)$ and $(b_k),$ where $a_k=binomkl$ and $b_k=binomkq.$ Thus, $c_m$ is the coefficient of $z^m$ in $A(z)B(z),$ where $A(z)$ and $B(z)$ are the generating functions of $(a_k)$ and $(b_k),$ respectively. But, $A(z)=z^l/(1-z)^l+1$ and $B(z)=z^q/(1-z)^q+1,$ so that
A(z)B(z) = fracz^l+q(1-z)^l+q+2=frac1zfracz^l+q+1(1-z)^l+q+2= frac1zsum_kge0binomkl+q+1z^k.
c_m=[z^m]A(z)B(z)= binomm+1l+q+1. tag*$blacksquare$
Setting $m:=2n, l:=1,$ and $q:= n-1,$ we get:
sum_k=0^2nbinomk1binom2n-kn-1 = binom2n+1n+1,
and it is easy to see that $sum_k=0^2nbinomk1binom2n-kn-1 = sum_k=1^n+1kbinom2n-kn-1.$
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Proof Using Convolutions and Generating Functions
First, we show the more general result:
sum_k=0^mbinomklbinomm-kq = binomm+1l+q+1, quad textfor integers m, l, q ge 0.
Proof. $quad$ Note that the sequence $(c_m)$ defined by $c_m=sum_k=0^mbinomklbinomm-kq$ is the convolution of $(a_k)$ and $(b_k),$ where $a_k=binomkl$ and $b_k=binomkq.$ Thus, $c_m$ is the coefficient of $z^m$ in $A(z)B(z),$ where $A(z)$ and $B(z)$ are the generating functions of $(a_k)$ and $(b_k),$ respectively. But, $A(z)=z^l/(1-z)^l+1$ and $B(z)=z^q/(1-z)^q+1,$ so that
A(z)B(z) = fracz^l+q(1-z)^l+q+2=frac1zfracz^l+q+1(1-z)^l+q+2= frac1zsum_kge0binomkl+q+1z^k.
c_m=[z^m]A(z)B(z)= binomm+1l+q+1. tag*$blacksquare$
Setting $m:=2n, l:=1,$ and $q:= n-1,$ we get:
sum_k=0^2nbinomk1binom2n-kn-1 = binom2n+1n+1,
and it is easy to see that $sum_k=0^2nbinomk1binom2n-kn-1 = sum_k=1^n+1kbinom2n-kn-1.$
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Proof Using Convolutions and Generating Functions
First, we show the more general result:
sum_k=0^mbinomklbinomm-kq = binomm+1l+q+1, quad textfor integers m, l, q ge 0.
Proof. $quad$ Note that the sequence $(c_m)$ defined by $c_m=sum_k=0^mbinomklbinomm-kq$ is the convolution of $(a_k)$ and $(b_k),$ where $a_k=binomkl$ and $b_k=binomkq.$ Thus, $c_m$ is the coefficient of $z^m$ in $A(z)B(z),$ where $A(z)$ and $B(z)$ are the generating functions of $(a_k)$ and $(b_k),$ respectively. But, $A(z)=z^l/(1-z)^l+1$ and $B(z)=z^q/(1-z)^q+1,$ so that
A(z)B(z) = fracz^l+q(1-z)^l+q+2=frac1zfracz^l+q+1(1-z)^l+q+2= frac1zsum_kge0binomkl+q+1z^k.
c_m=[z^m]A(z)B(z)= binomm+1l+q+1. tag*$blacksquare$
Setting $m:=2n, l:=1,$ and $q:= n-1,$ we get:
sum_k=0^2nbinomk1binom2n-kn-1 = binom2n+1n+1,
and it is easy to see that $sum_k=0^2nbinomk1binom2n-kn-1 = sum_k=1^n+1kbinom2n-kn-1.$
Proof Using Convolutions and Generating Functions
First, we show the more general result:
sum_k=0^mbinomklbinomm-kq = binomm+1l+q+1, quad textfor integers m, l, q ge 0.
Proof. $quad$ Note that the sequence $(c_m)$ defined by $c_m=sum_k=0^mbinomklbinomm-kq$ is the convolution of $(a_k)$ and $(b_k),$ where $a_k=binomkl$ and $b_k=binomkq.$ Thus, $c_m$ is the coefficient of $z^m$ in $A(z)B(z),$ where $A(z)$ and $B(z)$ are the generating functions of $(a_k)$ and $(b_k),$ respectively. But, $A(z)=z^l/(1-z)^l+1$ and $B(z)=z^q/(1-z)^q+1,$ so that
A(z)B(z) = fracz^l+q(1-z)^l+q+2=frac1zfracz^l+q+1(1-z)^l+q+2= frac1zsum_kge0binomkl+q+1z^k.
c_m=[z^m]A(z)B(z)= binomm+1l+q+1. tag*$blacksquare$
Setting $m:=2n, l:=1,$ and $q:= n-1,$ we get:
sum_k=0^2nbinomk1binom2n-kn-1 = binom2n+1n+1,
and it is easy to see that $sum_k=0^2nbinomk1binom2n-kn-1 = sum_k=1^n+1kbinom2n-kn-1.$
answered yesterday
Marwan MizuriMarwan Mizuri
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This is waiting on mods to move the answers from the old question here (one algebraic and one analytic proof).
– darij grinberg
2 days ago
Shouldn't you make this a community wiki post?
– Don Thousand
2 days ago
@DonThousand: Thought of that, but that would make the answers CW as well.
– darij grinberg
2 days ago
Well, you get $$dfracn!^2 k binom2n-kn-1(2n)!=frackbinom2n-kn-1binom2nn.$$ So you really need $$sum_k=1^n+1kbinom2n-kn-1=frac2n+1n+1binom2nn$$
– Thomas Andrews
2 days ago
@darijgrinberg You should give a link (in the question) to the deleted question to help prevent folks wasting time on composing dupe answers.
– Bill Dubuque
2 days ago