Ponca Indian Artist -- burgess roye

In Memory of... a most beloved artist— 
Burgess Roye . .&nbsp.&nbsp.  

.&nbsp. .  a guardian of the Ponca Culture — 
October 30, 1944 – February 15, 2015

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Memorial Slogan of Fame

Photograph of Roye Tipi

——   The Ponca of Old  . . . a people who never broke the Treaty  . . . their word was their honor  . . . their word was true   ——   
As his closest friends . . . we proudly proclaim . . . "Burgess followed their lead faithfully . . ."          Thank you for visiting our Home page— Now, please view our Art Slide Show

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Ponca Tribe Story

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Buffalo Clan Painting

Burgess Roye Biography

Burgess Roye Website Celebration — 41 Limited Edition Paintings — Only 100 Numbered Prints of Each Available — Each Print $59

— No Price Expiration Date —

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The "Ponca of Old Collection" Will Never Be In Print Again — Numbered Prints Protected By An 18 Digit Encrypted Code

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Official Website for Burgess Roye Art .Com  —  All Rights Reserved — All Images 2012 © Text–Inscriptions © 2013

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• This Website Is Staffed By Unpaid Volunteers – Ken J Boone, Sr. — Boone Family Wolf Clan Educational Trust Sponsorship

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