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Borough of BostonTowns in LincolnshireUnparished areas in Lincolnshire

1545The StumpFenlandsBostonians

Category:Boston, Lincolnshire

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town in Lincolnshire, England


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Instance of town
Boston, Lincolnshire, East Midlands, England, UK
  • 18.42 km²

52° 58′ 28.56″ N, 0° 01′ 17.04″ W

  • OpenStreetMap

  • Google Earth

  • Proximityrama

Authority control

Wikidata Q311975
Library of Congress authority ID: n79108012

  • Reasonator

  • Scholia

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  • WikiShootMe

Blue pencil.svg
Boston (es); Boston (hu); બોસ્ટન (gu); Бостон (ru); Boston (de); Boston (ga); بوستون، لینکلن‌شر (fa); Bolstoen (nds-nl); Boston (da); Boston (ro); ボストン (ja); Boston (sv); בוסטון, לינקולנשייר (he); 波士頓 (zh-hant); బోస్టన్ (te); 보스턴 (ko); Boston (eo); Boston (cs); பாஸ்டன் (ta); Boston (it); বোস্টন (bn); Boston (fr); Boston (fi); بوسٹن (ur); Boston (pt); Boston (vo); Boston (gd); بوستون، لینکلن‌شر (azb); Bostonas (lt); Boston, Swydd Lincoln (cy); Boston (nb); 波士頓 (zh); Boston (sco); Boston (ceb); Boston i England (nn); ബോസ്റ്റൺ (ml); Boston, Lincolnshire (sh); Boston (ca); Boston (nl); ಬೋಸ್ಟನ್ (kn); Boston (pl); Boston (en); بوسطن (ar); 波士顿 (zh-hans); Boston (fy) cittadina del Lincolnshire (it); ville d'Angleterre, dans le comté de Lincolnshire (fr); ceety in Lincolnshire (sco); stad i Lincolnshire, England (sv); miejscowość w Anglii (pl); കിഴക്കൻ ഇംഗ്ലണ്ടിലുള്ള ലിങ്കൺഷയറിലെ പട്ടണം (ml); Lincolnshire (nl); город в Линкольшире (Англия) (ru); Mittelstadt in der englischen Grafschaft Lincolnshire (de); עיירה בממלכה המאוחדת (he); town in Lincolnshire, England (en); baile ann an Lincolnshire, Sasainn (gd); 英國林肯郡的小鎮 (zh); lungsod sa Hiniusang Gingharian (ceb) Бостон, Линкольншир (ru); Bostono (eo); Boston, Lincolnshire, Boston, England (en); Boston i Lincolnshire (nn); Boston, Lincolnshire (gd); بوسطن (لينكونشير) (ar)

English: Boston is a town and port in Lincolnshire, on the east coast of England.

It received its charter in 1545. It is the main town in the local government district and borough of Boston. Its primary landmark is The Stump, the parish church with the highest tower in England, visible in the flat Fenlands for miles around. Residents of Boston are known as "Bostonians".


This category has the following 16 subcategories, out of 16 total.


  • Black Sluice, Boston, Lincolnshire‎ (1 C, 4 F)

  • Bodies of water in Boston, Lincolnshire‎ (3 C, 1 F)

  • Boston, Lincolnshire in art‎ (13 F)

  • Bridges in Boston, Lincolnshire‎ (3 C, 5 F)

  • Buildings in Boston, Lincolnshire‎ (18 C, 13 F)


  • Coats of arms of Boston, Lincolnshire‎ (3 F)

  • Cowbridge, Lincolnshire‎ (4 F)


  • Dickinson's (bus company)‎ (1 F)


  • Boston United FC‎ (4 C, 4 F)


  • History of Boston, Lincolnshire‎ (8 C, 3 F)


  • Port of Boston, Lincolnshire‎ (4 C, 16 F)


  • Riverside Quay, Boston, Lincolnshire‎ (4 F)


  • Skirbeck‎ (1 C, 5 F)

  • Statues in Boston, Lincolnshire‎ (5 F)


  • Telephone booths in Boston, Lincolnshire‎ (3 F)

  • Transport in Boston, Lincolnshire‎ (3 C)

Media in category "Boston, Lincolnshire"

The following 200 files are in this category, out of 337 total.

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