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Basketball at the 1992 Summer Olympics (Q622644) StatementsIdentifiersSitelinksNavigation menu

Basketball at the 1992 Summer Olympics

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Basketball olympic competition in Bacelona, 1992


LanguageLabelDescriptionAlso known as

Basketball at the 1992 Summer Olympics

Basketball olympic competition in Bacelona, 1992


    instance of

    Olympic sporting event

    0 references

    part of

    1992 Summer Olympics

    0 references



    0 references


    Basketball at the 1988 Summer Olympics

    1 reference

    imported from Wikimedia project

    French Wikipedia

    followed by

    Basketball at the 1996 Summer Olympics

    1 reference

    imported from Wikimedia project

    French Wikipedia



    1 reference

    imported from Wikimedia project

    Dutch Wikipedia

    point in time


    0 references

    participating team

    1992 United States men's Olympic basketball team

    0 references


    1992 United States men's Olympic basketball team

    0 references

    Commons category

    Basketball at the 1992 Summer Olympics

    1 reference

    imported from Wikimedia project

    German Wikipedia

    topic's main template

    Template:Basketball at the 1992 Summer Olympics

    0 references

    topic's main category

    Category:Basketball at the 1992 Summer Olympics

    0 references


    Freebase ID


    1 reference

    stated in

    Freebase Data Dumps

    publication date

    28 October 2013



    • bswiki
      Košarka na Olimpijskim igrama 1992.

    • cawiki
      Bàsquet als Jocs Olímpics d'estiu de 1992

    • cswiki
      Basketbal na Letních olympijských hrách 1992

    • dewiki
      Olympische Sommerspiele 1992/Basketball

    • elwiki
      Καλαθοσφαίριση στους Θερινούς Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες 1992

    • enwiki
      Basketball at the 1992 Summer Olympics

    • eswiki
      Anexo:Baloncesto en los Juegos Olímpicos de Barcelona 1992

    • fawiki
      بسکتبال در بازی‌های المپیک تابستانی ۱۹۹۲

    • fiwiki
      Koripallo kesäolympialaisissa 1992

    • frwiki
      Basket-ball aux Jeux olympiques d'été de 1992

    • fywiki
      Basketbal op de Olympyske Simmerspullen 1992

    • hewiki
      כדורסל באולימפיאדת ברצלונה (1992)

    • hrwiki
      Košarka na OI 1992.

    • huwiki
      Kosárlabda az 1992. évi nyári olimpiai játékokon

    • itwiki
      Pallacanestro ai Giochi della XXV Olimpiade

    • jawiki

    • ltwiki
      Krepšinis 1992 m. vasaros olimpinėse žaidynėse

    • lvwiki
      Basketbols 1992. gada vasaras olimpiskajās spēlēs

    • mkwiki
      Кошарка на Летните олимписки игри 1992

    • nlwiki
      Basketbal op de Olympische Zomerspelen 1992

    • nowiki
      Basketball under Sommer-OL 1992

    • plwiki
      Koszykówka na Letnich Igrzyskach Olimpijskich 1992

    • ptwiki
      Basquetebol nos Jogos Olímpicos de Verão de 1992

    • rowiki
      Baschet la Jocurile Olimpice de vară din 1992

    • ruwiki
      Баскетбол на летних Олимпийских играх 1992

    • skwiki
      Basketbal na Letných olympijských hrách 1992

    • slwiki
      Košarka na Poletnih olimpijskih igrah 1992

    • srwiki
      Кошарка на Летњим олимпијским играма 1992.

    • svwiki
      Basket vid olympiska sommarspelen 1992

    • thwiki
      กีฬาบาสเกตบอลในโอลิมปิกฤดูร้อน 1992

    • trwiki
      1992 Yaz Olimpiyatları'nda basketbol

    • ukwiki
      Баскетбол на літніх Олімпійських іграх 1992

    • zhwiki









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