Help with the derivation of the class number formula The Next CEO of Stack OverflowReference request: $L$-series and $zeta$-functionsNorm of the generators of a fractional ideal.$mathbbQ(sqrt[3]17)$ has class number $1$Computing ideal class group by other means than the Minkowski bound?Conditions for when a class is a square in the ideal class group of a quadratic field.Is the ratio of the norms of generators in an ideal well defined?How to compute quotient rings?Calculating this class numberUnderstanding $p$-rank, $p$-Sylow subgroup, $2$-part, odd and even part of a group.Contradictory results when computing the Ideal class group of $mathbbQ(sqrt-7)$

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Help with the derivation of the class number formula

The Next CEO of Stack OverflowReference request: $L$-series and $zeta$-functionsNorm of the generators of a fractional ideal.$mathbbQ(sqrt[3]17)$ has class number $1$Computing ideal class group by other means than the Minkowski bound?Conditions for when a class is a square in the ideal class group of a quadratic field.Is the ratio of the norms of generators in an ideal well defined?How to compute quotient rings?Calculating this class numberUnderstanding $p$-rank, $p$-Sylow subgroup, $2$-part, odd and even part of a group.Contradictory results when computing the Ideal class group of $mathbbQ(sqrt-7)$



I'm interested in the class number formula derived from the Dedekind zeta function, but I have no idea how to derive it. From what I've read, turning the Dedekind zeta function into a normal Dirichlet series and analyzing the coefficients can lead to the formula. I know that for a field K (I'm interested in imaginary quadratic fields, so assume K=$mathbbQ(sqrt-n), n notequiv 3 mod(4)$), $zeta _K(s)=sum_ain mathcalO_Kfrac1N(a)^s$. If my intuition is correct this can be rewritten as $zeta _K(s)= sum_m=1^inftyfracc_mm^s$ where $c_m=| a : N(a)=m, ain mathcalO_K |$, which basically means the number of ideals that have norm $m$ in $mathcalO_K$. Now my problem is approximating $c_m$. Heres what I think:

So if we look at $C_m=sum_n=1^mc_n$, this equates to finding the amount of lattice points of $mathcalO_K$ inside a circle of radius $sqrtm$. Since a circles area grows at the same rate as a square, the ratio of the area of the circle and the "fundamental region" should provide a decent estimate, especially for large m $fracpi msqrt$. However, in the context of this problem, since $(a)=(ua) ; uinmathcalO_K^ times$ we are "overcounting" these points so if $w=mathcalO_K^ times$ the original estimate should be fixed to $fracpi mwsqrt$. So what (I think at least) I have is $sum_n=1^mc_n$ is reasonably approximated by $fracpi mwsqrt$. From here I have no idea how to continue.

Now I know I'm missing the most fundamental part of the entire thing ($h$) but I have no idea how the ideal class group would play into this, to me it makes no sense. I think this approach should work but I just have no idea how to continue. If someone could explain how the ideal class group affects counting these points inside a circle or how to finish the proof of the class number formula, I'd really appreciate it. I apologize if something is being grossly misunderstood, as a junior in high school using only online resources trying to understand problems like this is terribly difficult. Thanks for any help.

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    I'm interested in the class number formula derived from the Dedekind zeta function, but I have no idea how to derive it. From what I've read, turning the Dedekind zeta function into a normal Dirichlet series and analyzing the coefficients can lead to the formula. I know that for a field K (I'm interested in imaginary quadratic fields, so assume K=$mathbbQ(sqrt-n), n notequiv 3 mod(4)$), $zeta _K(s)=sum_ain mathcalO_Kfrac1N(a)^s$. If my intuition is correct this can be rewritten as $zeta _K(s)= sum_m=1^inftyfracc_mm^s$ where $c_m=| a : N(a)=m, ain mathcalO_K |$, which basically means the number of ideals that have norm $m$ in $mathcalO_K$. Now my problem is approximating $c_m$. Heres what I think:

    So if we look at $C_m=sum_n=1^mc_n$, this equates to finding the amount of lattice points of $mathcalO_K$ inside a circle of radius $sqrtm$. Since a circles area grows at the same rate as a square, the ratio of the area of the circle and the "fundamental region" should provide a decent estimate, especially for large m $fracpi msqrt$. However, in the context of this problem, since $(a)=(ua) ; uinmathcalO_K^ times$ we are "overcounting" these points so if $w=mathcalO_K^ times$ the original estimate should be fixed to $fracpi mwsqrt$. So what (I think at least) I have is $sum_n=1^mc_n$ is reasonably approximated by $fracpi mwsqrt$. From here I have no idea how to continue.

    Now I know I'm missing the most fundamental part of the entire thing ($h$) but I have no idea how the ideal class group would play into this, to me it makes no sense. I think this approach should work but I just have no idea how to continue. If someone could explain how the ideal class group affects counting these points inside a circle or how to finish the proof of the class number formula, I'd really appreciate it. I apologize if something is being grossly misunderstood, as a junior in high school using only online resources trying to understand problems like this is terribly difficult. Thanks for any help.

    share|cite|improve this question







      I'm interested in the class number formula derived from the Dedekind zeta function, but I have no idea how to derive it. From what I've read, turning the Dedekind zeta function into a normal Dirichlet series and analyzing the coefficients can lead to the formula. I know that for a field K (I'm interested in imaginary quadratic fields, so assume K=$mathbbQ(sqrt-n), n notequiv 3 mod(4)$), $zeta _K(s)=sum_ain mathcalO_Kfrac1N(a)^s$. If my intuition is correct this can be rewritten as $zeta _K(s)= sum_m=1^inftyfracc_mm^s$ where $c_m=| a : N(a)=m, ain mathcalO_K |$, which basically means the number of ideals that have norm $m$ in $mathcalO_K$. Now my problem is approximating $c_m$. Heres what I think:

      So if we look at $C_m=sum_n=1^mc_n$, this equates to finding the amount of lattice points of $mathcalO_K$ inside a circle of radius $sqrtm$. Since a circles area grows at the same rate as a square, the ratio of the area of the circle and the "fundamental region" should provide a decent estimate, especially for large m $fracpi msqrt$. However, in the context of this problem, since $(a)=(ua) ; uinmathcalO_K^ times$ we are "overcounting" these points so if $w=mathcalO_K^ times$ the original estimate should be fixed to $fracpi mwsqrt$. So what (I think at least) I have is $sum_n=1^mc_n$ is reasonably approximated by $fracpi mwsqrt$. From here I have no idea how to continue.

      Now I know I'm missing the most fundamental part of the entire thing ($h$) but I have no idea how the ideal class group would play into this, to me it makes no sense. I think this approach should work but I just have no idea how to continue. If someone could explain how the ideal class group affects counting these points inside a circle or how to finish the proof of the class number formula, I'd really appreciate it. I apologize if something is being grossly misunderstood, as a junior in high school using only online resources trying to understand problems like this is terribly difficult. Thanks for any help.

      share|cite|improve this question


      I'm interested in the class number formula derived from the Dedekind zeta function, but I have no idea how to derive it. From what I've read, turning the Dedekind zeta function into a normal Dirichlet series and analyzing the coefficients can lead to the formula. I know that for a field K (I'm interested in imaginary quadratic fields, so assume K=$mathbbQ(sqrt-n), n notequiv 3 mod(4)$), $zeta _K(s)=sum_ain mathcalO_Kfrac1N(a)^s$. If my intuition is correct this can be rewritten as $zeta _K(s)= sum_m=1^inftyfracc_mm^s$ where $c_m=| a : N(a)=m, ain mathcalO_K |$, which basically means the number of ideals that have norm $m$ in $mathcalO_K$. Now my problem is approximating $c_m$. Heres what I think:

      So if we look at $C_m=sum_n=1^mc_n$, this equates to finding the amount of lattice points of $mathcalO_K$ inside a circle of radius $sqrtm$. Since a circles area grows at the same rate as a square, the ratio of the area of the circle and the "fundamental region" should provide a decent estimate, especially for large m $fracpi msqrt$. However, in the context of this problem, since $(a)=(ua) ; uinmathcalO_K^ times$ we are "overcounting" these points so if $w=mathcalO_K^ times$ the original estimate should be fixed to $fracpi mwsqrt$. So what (I think at least) I have is $sum_n=1^mc_n$ is reasonably approximated by $fracpi mwsqrt$. From here I have no idea how to continue.

      Now I know I'm missing the most fundamental part of the entire thing ($h$) but I have no idea how the ideal class group would play into this, to me it makes no sense. I think this approach should work but I just have no idea how to continue. If someone could explain how the ideal class group affects counting these points inside a circle or how to finish the proof of the class number formula, I'd really appreciate it. I apologize if something is being grossly misunderstood, as a junior in high school using only online resources trying to understand problems like this is terribly difficult. Thanks for any help.

      ring-theory dirichlet-series ideal-class-group

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      asked Mar 28 at 3:24




          1 Answer






          For $K=BbbQ(sqrt-d)$ imaginary quadratic field the class number formula follows from

          $$zeta_K(s) = sum_c in C_K sum_I subset O_K,Isim c N(I)^-s=frac1O_K^times sum_c in C_K sum_a in I_c^-1, a ne 0 (fracN(a I_c)N(I_cI_c^-1))^-s$$
          where $C_K$ is the ideal class group, $I subset O_K $are the ideals of $O_K$, $I_c$ is an ideal in the class of $c$, so $I_cI_c^-1$ is a principal ideal.


          $$|O_K^times|(2pi)^-sGamma(s) zeta_K(s) = int_0^infty x^s-1(f(x)-|C_K|)dx$$ where

          $$f(x) = sum_c in C_K sum_a in I_c, a ne 0 e^^2 x/N(I_c)= sum_c in C_K sum_n,m e^^2$$

          and $I_c = N(I_c)(u_c BbbZ+v_c BbbZ)$ is a lattice in $O_K$ and $u_c BbbZ+v_c BbbZ$ is a lattice in $K$ whose area of fundamental parallelogram doesn't depend on $c$ thus is of area $D/4$, $D=Disc O_K$.

          From there it suffices to show the asymptotic of $sum_n,m e^^2$ as $x to 0$

          depends only on the area of the fundamental parallelogram of $u_c BbbZ+v_c BbbZ$ so that $sum_n,m e^^2sim x^-1D^-1/2$, a claim which follows from the asymptotic $sum_n e^-pi n^2 x sim x^-1/2$.

          On the other hand that $f(x) sim |C_K|D^-1/2 x^-1$ implies $|O_K|^times(2pi)^-sGamma(s) zeta_K(s) sim fracC_Ks-1$ as $s to 1$ ie. from $zeta_K(s) = zeta(s) L(s,chi)$ where $chi(p) = (fracdp) = (fracpD)$ then $|C_K|D^-1/2 = |O_K^times|(2pi)^-1L(1,chi)$.

          share|cite|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            This answer seems perfect, but what I need is intuition on the ideal class group. I don't understand how it plays into this, like why do we convert the sum into a double sum over the elements of the ideal class group?
            – uhhhhidk
            Mar 28 at 19:00

          • $begingroup$
            @uhhhhidk What do you mean ? $sum_I N(I)^-s = sum_c in C_K sum_I sim c N(I)^-s$. Then the point is that $|O_K|^times sum_I sim c N(I)^-s = sum_a in L_c,a ne 0 N(a I_c)^-s $ for some lattice $L_c = a in K, a I_c subset O_K$ and that the asymptotic of $sum_a in L_c,a ne 0 N(a I_c)^-s$ as $s to 1$ doesn't depend on $c$. Concretely to make everything explicit you need to find $C_K$ (ie. an ideal in each class) then write those ideals as lattices $I_c = u_cBbbZ + v_c BbbZ$. From there you can show the functional equation.
            – reuns
            Mar 28 at 19:24

          • $begingroup$
            The first example is $O_K=BbbZ[sqrt-5]$ having two ideal classes : $(1)=BbbZ+sqrt-5 BbbZ$ and $(2,1+sqrt-5) = 2 BbbZ+(1+sqrt-5) BbbZ$. As $(frac-5n)=(fracn4)(fracn5)$ the discriminant is $Disc(O_K)=20$ ie. $chi(n) = (fracn20)$ then $zeta_K(s) = zeta(s)L(s,chi)$
            – reuns
            Mar 28 at 19:30

          • $begingroup$
            I think I misunderstand the definition of the function. What does the sum run through? Is it all principle ideals or all ideals? I apologize, this subject is very confusing for me.
            – uhhhhidk
            Mar 28 at 22:27

          • $begingroup$
            $sum_I,sum_I subset O_K$ is sum over ideals of $O_K$ and $sum_I sim c$ is the sum over those in the class $c$ represented by $I_c$ ie. $a I_c = bI$ for some $a,b in O_K$ and $sum_a in I_c,sum_a in L_c$ are sums over elements in the ideal $I_c$ or lattice $L_c$
            – reuns
            Mar 28 at 22:40

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          For $K=BbbQ(sqrt-d)$ imaginary quadratic field the class number formula follows from

          $$zeta_K(s) = sum_c in C_K sum_I subset O_K,Isim c N(I)^-s=frac1O_K^times sum_c in C_K sum_a in I_c^-1, a ne 0 (fracN(a I_c)N(I_cI_c^-1))^-s$$
          where $C_K$ is the ideal class group, $I subset O_K $are the ideals of $O_K$, $I_c$ is an ideal in the class of $c$, so $I_cI_c^-1$ is a principal ideal.


          $$|O_K^times|(2pi)^-sGamma(s) zeta_K(s) = int_0^infty x^s-1(f(x)-|C_K|)dx$$ where

          $$f(x) = sum_c in C_K sum_a in I_c, a ne 0 e^^2 x/N(I_c)= sum_c in C_K sum_n,m e^^2$$

          and $I_c = N(I_c)(u_c BbbZ+v_c BbbZ)$ is a lattice in $O_K$ and $u_c BbbZ+v_c BbbZ$ is a lattice in $K$ whose area of fundamental parallelogram doesn't depend on $c$ thus is of area $D/4$, $D=Disc O_K$.

          From there it suffices to show the asymptotic of $sum_n,m e^^2$ as $x to 0$

          depends only on the area of the fundamental parallelogram of $u_c BbbZ+v_c BbbZ$ so that $sum_n,m e^^2sim x^-1D^-1/2$, a claim which follows from the asymptotic $sum_n e^-pi n^2 x sim x^-1/2$.

          On the other hand that $f(x) sim |C_K|D^-1/2 x^-1$ implies $|O_K|^times(2pi)^-sGamma(s) zeta_K(s) sim fracC_Ks-1$ as $s to 1$ ie. from $zeta_K(s) = zeta(s) L(s,chi)$ where $chi(p) = (fracdp) = (fracpD)$ then $|C_K|D^-1/2 = |O_K^times|(2pi)^-1L(1,chi)$.

          share|cite|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            This answer seems perfect, but what I need is intuition on the ideal class group. I don't understand how it plays into this, like why do we convert the sum into a double sum over the elements of the ideal class group?
            – uhhhhidk
            Mar 28 at 19:00

          • $begingroup$
            @uhhhhidk What do you mean ? $sum_I N(I)^-s = sum_c in C_K sum_I sim c N(I)^-s$. Then the point is that $|O_K|^times sum_I sim c N(I)^-s = sum_a in L_c,a ne 0 N(a I_c)^-s $ for some lattice $L_c = a in K, a I_c subset O_K$ and that the asymptotic of $sum_a in L_c,a ne 0 N(a I_c)^-s$ as $s to 1$ doesn't depend on $c$. Concretely to make everything explicit you need to find $C_K$ (ie. an ideal in each class) then write those ideals as lattices $I_c = u_cBbbZ + v_c BbbZ$. From there you can show the functional equation.
            – reuns
            Mar 28 at 19:24

          • $begingroup$
            The first example is $O_K=BbbZ[sqrt-5]$ having two ideal classes : $(1)=BbbZ+sqrt-5 BbbZ$ and $(2,1+sqrt-5) = 2 BbbZ+(1+sqrt-5) BbbZ$. As $(frac-5n)=(fracn4)(fracn5)$ the discriminant is $Disc(O_K)=20$ ie. $chi(n) = (fracn20)$ then $zeta_K(s) = zeta(s)L(s,chi)$
            – reuns
            Mar 28 at 19:30

          • $begingroup$
            I think I misunderstand the definition of the function. What does the sum run through? Is it all principle ideals or all ideals? I apologize, this subject is very confusing for me.
            – uhhhhidk
            Mar 28 at 22:27

          • $begingroup$
            $sum_I,sum_I subset O_K$ is sum over ideals of $O_K$ and $sum_I sim c$ is the sum over those in the class $c$ represented by $I_c$ ie. $a I_c = bI$ for some $a,b in O_K$ and $sum_a in I_c,sum_a in L_c$ are sums over elements in the ideal $I_c$ or lattice $L_c$
            – reuns
            Mar 28 at 22:40



          For $K=BbbQ(sqrt-d)$ imaginary quadratic field the class number formula follows from

          $$zeta_K(s) = sum_c in C_K sum_I subset O_K,Isim c N(I)^-s=frac1O_K^times sum_c in C_K sum_a in I_c^-1, a ne 0 (fracN(a I_c)N(I_cI_c^-1))^-s$$
          where $C_K$ is the ideal class group, $I subset O_K $are the ideals of $O_K$, $I_c$ is an ideal in the class of $c$, so $I_cI_c^-1$ is a principal ideal.


          $$|O_K^times|(2pi)^-sGamma(s) zeta_K(s) = int_0^infty x^s-1(f(x)-|C_K|)dx$$ where

          $$f(x) = sum_c in C_K sum_a in I_c, a ne 0 e^^2 x/N(I_c)= sum_c in C_K sum_n,m e^^2$$

          and $I_c = N(I_c)(u_c BbbZ+v_c BbbZ)$ is a lattice in $O_K$ and $u_c BbbZ+v_c BbbZ$ is a lattice in $K$ whose area of fundamental parallelogram doesn't depend on $c$ thus is of area $D/4$, $D=Disc O_K$.

          From there it suffices to show the asymptotic of $sum_n,m e^^2$ as $x to 0$

          depends only on the area of the fundamental parallelogram of $u_c BbbZ+v_c BbbZ$ so that $sum_n,m e^^2sim x^-1D^-1/2$, a claim which follows from the asymptotic $sum_n e^-pi n^2 x sim x^-1/2$.

          On the other hand that $f(x) sim |C_K|D^-1/2 x^-1$ implies $|O_K|^times(2pi)^-sGamma(s) zeta_K(s) sim fracC_Ks-1$ as $s to 1$ ie. from $zeta_K(s) = zeta(s) L(s,chi)$ where $chi(p) = (fracdp) = (fracpD)$ then $|C_K|D^-1/2 = |O_K^times|(2pi)^-1L(1,chi)$.

          share|cite|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            This answer seems perfect, but what I need is intuition on the ideal class group. I don't understand how it plays into this, like why do we convert the sum into a double sum over the elements of the ideal class group?
            – uhhhhidk
            Mar 28 at 19:00

          • $begingroup$
            @uhhhhidk What do you mean ? $sum_I N(I)^-s = sum_c in C_K sum_I sim c N(I)^-s$. Then the point is that $|O_K|^times sum_I sim c N(I)^-s = sum_a in L_c,a ne 0 N(a I_c)^-s $ for some lattice $L_c = a in K, a I_c subset O_K$ and that the asymptotic of $sum_a in L_c,a ne 0 N(a I_c)^-s$ as $s to 1$ doesn't depend on $c$. Concretely to make everything explicit you need to find $C_K$ (ie. an ideal in each class) then write those ideals as lattices $I_c = u_cBbbZ + v_c BbbZ$. From there you can show the functional equation.
            – reuns
            Mar 28 at 19:24

          • $begingroup$
            The first example is $O_K=BbbZ[sqrt-5]$ having two ideal classes : $(1)=BbbZ+sqrt-5 BbbZ$ and $(2,1+sqrt-5) = 2 BbbZ+(1+sqrt-5) BbbZ$. As $(frac-5n)=(fracn4)(fracn5)$ the discriminant is $Disc(O_K)=20$ ie. $chi(n) = (fracn20)$ then $zeta_K(s) = zeta(s)L(s,chi)$
            – reuns
            Mar 28 at 19:30

          • $begingroup$
            I think I misunderstand the definition of the function. What does the sum run through? Is it all principle ideals or all ideals? I apologize, this subject is very confusing for me.
            – uhhhhidk
            Mar 28 at 22:27

          • $begingroup$
            $sum_I,sum_I subset O_K$ is sum over ideals of $O_K$ and $sum_I sim c$ is the sum over those in the class $c$ represented by $I_c$ ie. $a I_c = bI$ for some $a,b in O_K$ and $sum_a in I_c,sum_a in L_c$ are sums over elements in the ideal $I_c$ or lattice $L_c$
            – reuns
            Mar 28 at 22:40





          For $K=BbbQ(sqrt-d)$ imaginary quadratic field the class number formula follows from

          $$zeta_K(s) = sum_c in C_K sum_I subset O_K,Isim c N(I)^-s=frac1O_K^times sum_c in C_K sum_a in I_c^-1, a ne 0 (fracN(a I_c)N(I_cI_c^-1))^-s$$
          where $C_K$ is the ideal class group, $I subset O_K $are the ideals of $O_K$, $I_c$ is an ideal in the class of $c$, so $I_cI_c^-1$ is a principal ideal.


          $$|O_K^times|(2pi)^-sGamma(s) zeta_K(s) = int_0^infty x^s-1(f(x)-|C_K|)dx$$ where

          $$f(x) = sum_c in C_K sum_a in I_c, a ne 0 e^^2 x/N(I_c)= sum_c in C_K sum_n,m e^^2$$

          and $I_c = N(I_c)(u_c BbbZ+v_c BbbZ)$ is a lattice in $O_K$ and $u_c BbbZ+v_c BbbZ$ is a lattice in $K$ whose area of fundamental parallelogram doesn't depend on $c$ thus is of area $D/4$, $D=Disc O_K$.

          From there it suffices to show the asymptotic of $sum_n,m e^^2$ as $x to 0$

          depends only on the area of the fundamental parallelogram of $u_c BbbZ+v_c BbbZ$ so that $sum_n,m e^^2sim x^-1D^-1/2$, a claim which follows from the asymptotic $sum_n e^-pi n^2 x sim x^-1/2$.

          On the other hand that $f(x) sim |C_K|D^-1/2 x^-1$ implies $|O_K|^times(2pi)^-sGamma(s) zeta_K(s) sim fracC_Ks-1$ as $s to 1$ ie. from $zeta_K(s) = zeta(s) L(s,chi)$ where $chi(p) = (fracdp) = (fracpD)$ then $|C_K|D^-1/2 = |O_K^times|(2pi)^-1L(1,chi)$.

          share|cite|improve this answer


          For $K=BbbQ(sqrt-d)$ imaginary quadratic field the class number formula follows from

          $$zeta_K(s) = sum_c in C_K sum_I subset O_K,Isim c N(I)^-s=frac1O_K^times sum_c in C_K sum_a in I_c^-1, a ne 0 (fracN(a I_c)N(I_cI_c^-1))^-s$$
          where $C_K$ is the ideal class group, $I subset O_K $are the ideals of $O_K$, $I_c$ is an ideal in the class of $c$, so $I_cI_c^-1$ is a principal ideal.


          $$|O_K^times|(2pi)^-sGamma(s) zeta_K(s) = int_0^infty x^s-1(f(x)-|C_K|)dx$$ where

          $$f(x) = sum_c in C_K sum_a in I_c, a ne 0 e^^2 x/N(I_c)= sum_c in C_K sum_n,m e^^2$$

          and $I_c = N(I_c)(u_c BbbZ+v_c BbbZ)$ is a lattice in $O_K$ and $u_c BbbZ+v_c BbbZ$ is a lattice in $K$ whose area of fundamental parallelogram doesn't depend on $c$ thus is of area $D/4$, $D=Disc O_K$.

          From there it suffices to show the asymptotic of $sum_n,m e^^2$ as $x to 0$

          depends only on the area of the fundamental parallelogram of $u_c BbbZ+v_c BbbZ$ so that $sum_n,m e^^2sim x^-1D^-1/2$, a claim which follows from the asymptotic $sum_n e^-pi n^2 x sim x^-1/2$.

          On the other hand that $f(x) sim |C_K|D^-1/2 x^-1$ implies $|O_K|^times(2pi)^-sGamma(s) zeta_K(s) sim fracC_Ks-1$ as $s to 1$ ie. from $zeta_K(s) = zeta(s) L(s,chi)$ where $chi(p) = (fracdp) = (fracpD)$ then $|C_K|D^-1/2 = |O_K^times|(2pi)^-1L(1,chi)$.

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          edited Mar 28 at 22:54

          answered Mar 28 at 13:30




          • $begingroup$
            This answer seems perfect, but what I need is intuition on the ideal class group. I don't understand how it plays into this, like why do we convert the sum into a double sum over the elements of the ideal class group?
            – uhhhhidk
            Mar 28 at 19:00

          • $begingroup$
            @uhhhhidk What do you mean ? $sum_I N(I)^-s = sum_c in C_K sum_I sim c N(I)^-s$. Then the point is that $|O_K|^times sum_I sim c N(I)^-s = sum_a in L_c,a ne 0 N(a I_c)^-s $ for some lattice $L_c = a in K, a I_c subset O_K$ and that the asymptotic of $sum_a in L_c,a ne 0 N(a I_c)^-s$ as $s to 1$ doesn't depend on $c$. Concretely to make everything explicit you need to find $C_K$ (ie. an ideal in each class) then write those ideals as lattices $I_c = u_cBbbZ + v_c BbbZ$. From there you can show the functional equation.
            – reuns
            Mar 28 at 19:24

          • $begingroup$
            The first example is $O_K=BbbZ[sqrt-5]$ having two ideal classes : $(1)=BbbZ+sqrt-5 BbbZ$ and $(2,1+sqrt-5) = 2 BbbZ+(1+sqrt-5) BbbZ$. As $(frac-5n)=(fracn4)(fracn5)$ the discriminant is $Disc(O_K)=20$ ie. $chi(n) = (fracn20)$ then $zeta_K(s) = zeta(s)L(s,chi)$
            – reuns
            Mar 28 at 19:30

          • $begingroup$
            I think I misunderstand the definition of the function. What does the sum run through? Is it all principle ideals or all ideals? I apologize, this subject is very confusing for me.
            – uhhhhidk
            Mar 28 at 22:27

          • $begingroup$
            $sum_I,sum_I subset O_K$ is sum over ideals of $O_K$ and $sum_I sim c$ is the sum over those in the class $c$ represented by $I_c$ ie. $a I_c = bI$ for some $a,b in O_K$ and $sum_a in I_c,sum_a in L_c$ are sums over elements in the ideal $I_c$ or lattice $L_c$
            – reuns
            Mar 28 at 22:40

          • $begingroup$
            This answer seems perfect, but what I need is intuition on the ideal class group. I don't understand how it plays into this, like why do we convert the sum into a double sum over the elements of the ideal class group?
            – uhhhhidk
            Mar 28 at 19:00

          • $begingroup$
            @uhhhhidk What do you mean ? $sum_I N(I)^-s = sum_c in C_K sum_I sim c N(I)^-s$. Then the point is that $|O_K|^times sum_I sim c N(I)^-s = sum_a in L_c,a ne 0 N(a I_c)^-s $ for some lattice $L_c = a in K, a I_c subset O_K$ and that the asymptotic of $sum_a in L_c,a ne 0 N(a I_c)^-s$ as $s to 1$ doesn't depend on $c$. Concretely to make everything explicit you need to find $C_K$ (ie. an ideal in each class) then write those ideals as lattices $I_c = u_cBbbZ + v_c BbbZ$. From there you can show the functional equation.
            – reuns
            Mar 28 at 19:24

          • $begingroup$
            The first example is $O_K=BbbZ[sqrt-5]$ having two ideal classes : $(1)=BbbZ+sqrt-5 BbbZ$ and $(2,1+sqrt-5) = 2 BbbZ+(1+sqrt-5) BbbZ$. As $(frac-5n)=(fracn4)(fracn5)$ the discriminant is $Disc(O_K)=20$ ie. $chi(n) = (fracn20)$ then $zeta_K(s) = zeta(s)L(s,chi)$
            – reuns
            Mar 28 at 19:30

          • $begingroup$
            I think I misunderstand the definition of the function. What does the sum run through? Is it all principle ideals or all ideals? I apologize, this subject is very confusing for me.
            – uhhhhidk
            Mar 28 at 22:27

          • $begingroup$
            $sum_I,sum_I subset O_K$ is sum over ideals of $O_K$ and $sum_I sim c$ is the sum over those in the class $c$ represented by $I_c$ ie. $a I_c = bI$ for some $a,b in O_K$ and $sum_a in I_c,sum_a in L_c$ are sums over elements in the ideal $I_c$ or lattice $L_c$
            – reuns
            Mar 28 at 22:40

          This answer seems perfect, but what I need is intuition on the ideal class group. I don't understand how it plays into this, like why do we convert the sum into a double sum over the elements of the ideal class group?
          – uhhhhidk
          Mar 28 at 19:00

          This answer seems perfect, but what I need is intuition on the ideal class group. I don't understand how it plays into this, like why do we convert the sum into a double sum over the elements of the ideal class group?
          – uhhhhidk
          Mar 28 at 19:00

          @uhhhhidk What do you mean ? $sum_I N(I)^-s = sum_c in C_K sum_I sim c N(I)^-s$. Then the point is that $|O_K|^times sum_I sim c N(I)^-s = sum_a in L_c,a ne 0 N(a I_c)^-s $ for some lattice $L_c = a in K, a I_c subset O_K$ and that the asymptotic of $sum_a in L_c,a ne 0 N(a I_c)^-s$ as $s to 1$ doesn't depend on $c$. Concretely to make everything explicit you need to find $C_K$ (ie. an ideal in each class) then write those ideals as lattices $I_c = u_cBbbZ + v_c BbbZ$. From there you can show the functional equation.
          – reuns
          Mar 28 at 19:24

          @uhhhhidk What do you mean ? $sum_I N(I)^-s = sum_c in C_K sum_I sim c N(I)^-s$. Then the point is that $|O_K|^times sum_I sim c N(I)^-s = sum_a in L_c,a ne 0 N(a I_c)^-s $ for some lattice $L_c = a in K, a I_c subset O_K$ and that the asymptotic of $sum_a in L_c,a ne 0 N(a I_c)^-s$ as $s to 1$ doesn't depend on $c$. Concretely to make everything explicit you need to find $C_K$ (ie. an ideal in each class) then write those ideals as lattices $I_c = u_cBbbZ + v_c BbbZ$. From there you can show the functional equation.
          – reuns
          Mar 28 at 19:24

          The first example is $O_K=BbbZ[sqrt-5]$ having two ideal classes : $(1)=BbbZ+sqrt-5 BbbZ$ and $(2,1+sqrt-5) = 2 BbbZ+(1+sqrt-5) BbbZ$. As $(frac-5n)=(fracn4)(fracn5)$ the discriminant is $Disc(O_K)=20$ ie. $chi(n) = (fracn20)$ then $zeta_K(s) = zeta(s)L(s,chi)$
          – reuns
          Mar 28 at 19:30

          The first example is $O_K=BbbZ[sqrt-5]$ having two ideal classes : $(1)=BbbZ+sqrt-5 BbbZ$ and $(2,1+sqrt-5) = 2 BbbZ+(1+sqrt-5) BbbZ$. As $(frac-5n)=(fracn4)(fracn5)$ the discriminant is $Disc(O_K)=20$ ie. $chi(n) = (fracn20)$ then $zeta_K(s) = zeta(s)L(s,chi)$
          – reuns
          Mar 28 at 19:30

          I think I misunderstand the definition of the function. What does the sum run through? Is it all principle ideals or all ideals? I apologize, this subject is very confusing for me.
          – uhhhhidk
          Mar 28 at 22:27

          I think I misunderstand the definition of the function. What does the sum run through? Is it all principle ideals or all ideals? I apologize, this subject is very confusing for me.
          – uhhhhidk
          Mar 28 at 22:27

          $sum_I,sum_I subset O_K$ is sum over ideals of $O_K$ and $sum_I sim c$ is the sum over those in the class $c$ represented by $I_c$ ie. $a I_c = bI$ for some $a,b in O_K$ and $sum_a in I_c,sum_a in L_c$ are sums over elements in the ideal $I_c$ or lattice $L_c$
          – reuns
          Mar 28 at 22:40

          $sum_I,sum_I subset O_K$ is sum over ideals of $O_K$ and $sum_I sim c$ is the sum over those in the class $c$ represented by $I_c$ ie. $a I_c = bI$ for some $a,b in O_K$ and $sum_a in I_c,sum_a in L_c$ are sums over elements in the ideal $I_c$ or lattice $L_c$
          – reuns
          Mar 28 at 22:40

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